13 (this just isnt fair)

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i woke up in my room, laying in bennys arms. i look around and see it's still pretty dark out, so i decided to not wake him up just yet

my mouth feels dry so i slowly lift bennys arms off of me and get off of the bed. as i step down i accidentally step on scottys hand

scotty sits up quickly "ow!" he says grabbing his hand

"shhhh! you're gonna wake benny!" i said motioning for him to stand up. he got up and we both wen downstairs

as i got of the last step, i remembered i went to sleep before mom got home last night, so i decided to check if she was back. "wait right here" i said to scotty as i go and check her room

i run over to her room and see the lamp is on, but no one is in there "that's weird.." i say walking back towards scotty

"what? is she back yet?" he said looking towards her room. "no.. let me check the bathroom and guest room.. she's gotta be here somewhere" i run to the guest room and turn on the light. no ones there. i run to the downstairs bathroom and turn on the light, no ones there. i run upstairs starting to panick and check the upstairs bathroom.. no ones there

scotty looked at me worryingly "is sh-she here?" he said. "..no.. b-but they probably went somewhere or decided to stay out later than planned! i'm sure they're f-fine.." i said faking a smile. scotty sighed in relief "you're right.." he said

i go and get a glass from the cabinet and juice from the fridge "want some?" i said to scotty "yeah.. just a little though" i nodded and proceeded to grab another glass. i finished pouring the juices so we grabbed our glasses and started to head upstairs. as i was about to reach the steps, the phone starts ringing. i look at scotty "i'll get it!" i say

i grab the phone "hello? this is y/n speaking!" i say as i take a sip of juice

*TW: car crash*

"y/n.. this is aunt betty! are you okay? how's scotty? do you guys need anything?" she says rushingly. "w-we're fine.. why? did something happen?" i said. "oh y/n.. i'm so sorry.. i guess you dont know.." she said

"don't know what?" i said. her next words made me sick.

"y/n.. marshall and your mother got into a car crash.. they got rushed to the hospital last night.. and i don't know if your mothers gonna make it.. i'm so sorry darling" she said

i dropped my glass and froze. i didn't know what to do. i heard footsteps coming from the stairs "no.. no no no you're lying!" i said as i shockingly hung up the phone

"babe! what happened! are you okay?" benny said as he made his way towards me. i felt a tear run down my cheek. "scotty go to your room" i said trying to sound calm. "no.. what happened.. w-why are you crying.." he said

"i said go to your room!" i shouted sternly. he jumped a little and turned around and ran upstairs and to his room benny grabbed my shoulders softly "y/n.. what happened?" he said

"my mom.. she.. they got into.. a wreck.." i said sniffling. "oh babe.. i-i'm so sorry.. is there anything i can do? do you want to go back to sleep? do you w-"

i cut him off "how can i go to sleep at a time like this benny?!" i snapped. he turned silent. "i-i'm sorry.. i just.. i.. i don't know" i said. he hugged me "it's okay, beautiful. i'm here for you" he said as he leaned in and kissed my forehead

i smiled slightly and made my way to the couch. i turn to the stairs and see scotty standing there. shocked. emotionless.

i looked up and closed my eyes "this isn't real.. she's lying.. this isn't real" i whispered to myself, trying to calm down.

i felt someone sit down on the cushion by me. i look and it's scotty

"scotty.. mom.. she's not.." i couldn't even finish my sentence. he hugged me and i could tell he started crying. i hated to see my little brother cry. i closed my eyes and started crying as well, while holding onto scotty.

after a few minutes i looked up at benny. he looked so worried. like he didn't know what to do. scotty sat up and i went over to benny. "what do we do" i said

he stood there not knowing what he should say. i shook my head. "why couldn't he just stay away.." i said walking back up to my room.

i got to my room and closed the door behind me. i sat down on my bed looking out the window, waiting for a car to pull into the driveway and see my mom come home, safe, and without marshal. this just isn't fair.

how dare he. he leaves us and has my mom worried sick and then when he comes back.. this happens..

i realize that about over an hour has passed and i get up and walk over to the door. i open it and walk downstairs, feeling numb. i look over to the couch and see scotty laying his head on benny's lap, sleeping. i smile at the thought of my brother dreaming, and not feeling pain as he sleeps.

benny looks over at me and smiles. i walk over and sit by him. "he's out" benny says looking down at scotty. "yeah.. thanks" i said laying my head on his shoulder. he sighs and puts his head over mine. i can feel myself slowly dozing off...


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