9 (get away from him!)

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« later that night

me and benny had fallen asleep after dancing and singing all afternoon. i woke up and looked up to see my pretty boy still snoozin.

"babe, wake up" i said as i lightly shook his arm. his eyes fluttered open and when he looked at me he smiled and sat up, giving me a peck on the lips.

he stretched and we just sat there for a second to fully wake up

after a minute or two, we got up and walked to the kitchen. i lifted myself to sit up on the counter and benny stood between my legs, hugging my waist.

i ran my fingers through his hair admiring how soft it was. i turned around on the counter and started looking through the snack cabinet.

"are you hungry, my love?" benny said as he slightly brushed his fingers through my hair. "i can take you out to eat at that diner you liked" he said with a smile as he grabbed my hand and helped my get down from the counter top. "i would love that" i replied with a smile.

he pecked my lips once more and we went back up to my room to get our shoes on. i brushed my hair and put it half up half down *or however you want*.

as we were walking to the diner, i noticed someone was behind us. i turned and saw two blonde headed twins. jj and e/n. i smiled at e/n but didn't even think to look at jj. i grabbed bennys hand and we interlocked our finger as we began to walk faster towards the diner.

once we got there, we sat down at a booth. as soon as we sat down we saw the twins walk through the doors and it seemed like they were looking for someone. when they saw us they smirked and started walking towards our booth.

"oh hey y/n! what are you doing here?" e/n said looking back and forth from me to benny. "me and benny decided to go on a little date" i looked at benny and he was looking at me with a cute little grin. "oh that's.. cute.." e/n said as she made a weird face like as if she was being sarcastic. "anyways.. what are you doing here" i said as i was trying to change the subject to make it less awkward. "me and jj decided to eat here since our parents are out of town" she smiled but it looked like it was a forced.

"that's nice!.. well.. have fun!" i said with a small smile. "you too!" she said as she started walking towards a table. jj winked at me before he turned away and followed his sister. i rolled my eyes in disgust and watched as e/n found a table

"did she seem.. off?? to you?" i said as i turned back to benny. he shrugged as a waiter walked up to our table.

"hello! what can i get for you today?" she said with a friendly smile. she grabbed a pen and a little note book thing out of her pocket and turned to me. "uhh i'll have a.. umm.. a.. burger with a side of french fries and.. a *whatever flavor* milkshake please!" she wrote it down and then turned to benny. "i'll have the same thing but without the milkshake please" she nodded and proceeded to write his order down. she looked up at me and smiled "okay! that should be ready in about.. 5-10 minutes!" i smiled back and nodded

once the food came out, me and benny talked and ate but we got interrupted when we heard slight yelling. we turned and saw e/n and jj arguing.

"what happened" i said as i watched them go back and forth yelling at eachother. they weren't yelling to the point where people would be like oh my gosh they need to be quiet but it was to the point where you knew something was wrong. "you're the reason they left us, jj! you can't even get the new girl to like you! no one will ever love you! can't you see that?! why do you have to be so dumb?!" e/n yelled as she slammed her hand on the table and ran out of the diner. i looked over to jj and he looked heart broken

"benny.. go talk to him" i spoke up as i turned and looked at benny. he opened his mouth to say something but then he closed it and thought for a second. he sighed and got up and walked over to jj.

my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now