6 (bitchin')

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- the next day

i woke up next to benny on the couch. "wake up pretty boy" i said as i brushed my fingers through his soft hair. his eyes opened slowly "good morning my love" he said as he sat up next to me. "good morning sleeping beauty" i snickered as i stood up to go wake up the other boys. we woke up the boys in my room first. yeah-yeah and squints were cuddling, so we decided to wake them up last. we then went to smalls room and saw those boys were already up. "why are you guys up already?" said benny as he sat by scotty. "smalls woke up to use the restroom and he was so loud that all of us woke up" deNunez said slightly annoyed. i laughed and then looked at the time. "our parents are gonna be here soon, you guys should get going" i said standing up and walking to the door. i heard boys laughing so i walked to my room. yeah-yeah and squints were now awake and we're on opposite sides of the room gagging. "squints probably thought you were wendy peffercorn, yeah-yeah!" yelled bertrum. they started laughing even harder. "you guys! y'all are going to have to leave soon, so get your things and start going" i said. they all got up and walked to the kitchen and started looking in the pantry.
after the boys left, it was just me, scotty, and benny. we were talking about the carnival and how phillips came up to me. we didn't want to tell the other boys yet, cause we knew they would try to do something about it, which would just make the whole situation worse. a few minutes after benny left, our parents came home. bill had to leave for a business trip, so we had to say goodbye. "i'll be back in an hour, i'm taking your dad to the airport" mom told us. she looked down at scotty "honey are you alright? you look kind of pale" she said touching his face. "i'm fine, mom, really" he said looking at me nervously. i chuckled and went to go hug bill- i mean my dad, goodbye. when scotty went to hug him goodbye, he said "while i'm gone, you're the man of the house, understand?". "o-okay.. where are you going?" said scotty. "chicago, in business for a week" bill said, taking his hand off of scottys shoulder. "take care of things for me" he patted my brother on the back. "okay, i will" scotty said walking towards me. when they left, me and scotty got ready and ran to the sandlot. it was a normal day. we played for hours. nothing special.

-the next day

i went up to bat, deNunez gave me the heater and i swung, and busted the guts out of ball. we all froze and then ran over to the cover of the ball. "oh man" "i don't believe it" "bitchin'". "nah, it ain't" i said. "babe, that's amazing!" said benny hugging me from behind. "come on, y/n! maybe two or three guys in history ever busted the guts out of the ball! must be an omen" said squints. "all it means is that we can't play no more. it's only 12 o'clock! and i just ruined the whole day for us!" i said shaking my head. "no you didn't! that's the most amazing thing i ever saw!" said deNunez. "anybody got any money?" i asked. "no" said the boys. "then it ain't okay! cause now we can't play no more!" i said. "..yeah we can" scotty said. "what? you got 98 extra cents lying around at home?" i said rolling my eyes. "no.. b-but i got a ball" he said. "go get it!" we yelled as he started running to the house. we sat there for a minute, waiting, when we heard scotty yell "I GOT IT! I GOT THE BALL GUYS!" he ran over to me and benny "i got the ball! i got it! here, benny!" scotty said as he tried to catch his breath. "bitchin'! your ball, your ups! here you go" benny said as he handed the ball back to scotty. scotty went to bat. he missed on the first pitch, on the second, he hit it! and he hit a homer! "good job bubba!" i yelled as i watched him run to first, second.. but he stopped? "smalls! third base is that way!" "you go to third base!" "smalls?". i walked over to him. he looked like he was gonna puke. "it's outta here! who's get the big bat now, boys?" benny said patting scotty on the back. "you forgot to turn! you go to third base!... smalls!" said ham. scotty started walking towards the fence. "what the hell is he doing?" "maybe the shock of his first homer was just too much for him". i walked over to scotty. "scotty, what's wrong? you hit a homer! you did good, bubba!" i said trying to cheer him up. "we've gotta get that ball back.." he said. "haha, good one. we'll just get another one! don't sweat it!" i said walking towards the other boys. "no you don't understand!" scotty yelled. "sure we do! you feel bad cause you belted a homer. now we can't play no more" said benny. "no you don't understand that wasn't my ball!" scotty yelled. "w-what do you mean.. that wasn't your ball?" i said stepping towards scotty. "it was our step dads.. it was a present or something but we've gotta get it back he's gonna kill me!" he said. "scotty.. please don't tell me.. it was from.. his trophy room.." i said, hoping it wasn't the ball signed by THE babe ruth! he nodded slowly and i felt my heart drop. "listen to me, smalls.. this is a matter of life and death. where did your old man get that ball?" said squints. "i-i don't know.. some lady gave it to him!" he said furrowing his eyebrows. "what?" the boys said. "yeah.. she even signed her name on it. some lady named ruth.. baby ruth" he said. all the boys yelled "BABE RUTH?" and we all ran to the fence. we looked over and saw something snatch the ball. i hopped off of the fence and began towards scotty. "do you mean to tell me.. you took bills ball signed by BABE RUTH.. and actually brought it out here and played with it?!" i said sounding angry. "yeah.. i-i was gonna bring it back-" he said. "but it was signed by babe ruth!" "yeah, you keep telling me that.. who is she?!" he said. oh my gosh. first he didn't know the great bambino and now the babe? how are we even related?! the boys looked shocked. "the sultan of swat!" "the king of crash!" "the colossus of clout!" "the colossus of clout!" the boys said. "THE GREAT BAMBINO!" said ham. realization hit smalls. "OH MY GOD YOU MEAN THATS THE SAME GUY?!". [all] "YES!" "smalls, babe ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived! people say he was less than a god, but more than a man! like hercules or something! the ball you aced to the beast is worth.. well more than your whole life, man" said benny. scotty looked sick "i don't feel so good" he said sitting down. "give him air! fan him!" i yelled taking my glove off to fan him. "we have to get that ball back!" said scotty. "when does your old man get home from work?" "he's gone in business! out of town! but he could be back anytime" i said, still fanning scotty. "alright, well find out when, and guys, spread out and look for bottles of cash in them! we need 98 cents. we gotta buy us a ball!" said benny. we all went home and me and scotty tried to distract our mom from going into the trophy room that night.
-the next day
"open it up!" "hurry!" the boys said as benny opened the small box with the ball. "give me something to write with!" he said. "i got a pencil" "give me a pen! not a pencil!" "sorry" "i got a pen!" he started writing. "baby ruthie?" "it says 'babe ruth'" "i don't know benny man" "yeah, boy. looks pretty crappy" said yeah-yeah. "their moms never gonna know the difference! this'll just buy us some time you dorks!" benny said rolling his eyes. "it looks fine, benny. thank you for doing this" i said. he smiled.

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