3 (the beast)

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it's been a few days since benny told me i was "a good different". i think he actually likes me.. or at least i hope he does. i'm starting to really like him, though i know i shouldn't, but he's.. different

as we were playing, ham hit a homer over the fence. "come on man!" "you idiot! now we can't play no more"

  i was confused as to why they didn't just go over and get the ball.. maybe they were just to lazy? so smalls and i decided to get it.

  we ran over to the fence and i was about to start climbing when squints yells "Y/N!!" they all started running towards us. "guys, i'll get it!" i said. "SMALLS!" "Y/N!" they looked terrified. "what are you doing?" i yelled as they got closer. "Y/N, WAIT!" they yelled back as i was almost over the fence. "guys, what are you-" they started reaching for me. "Y/N!" i was so confused. "get off guys, i gotta get the ball!" i said as they tried to pull me down. "get off me! now!" i yelled as benny grabbed my waist and pulled me down, setting down on my feet softly.

  "holy crap! you could've been killed!" "yeah yeah, truly! what're you doin?" they were acting like i was about to jump off a cliff. "you guys were leaving, so i thought i'd just hop the fence and-" i got cut off by quints. "if you were thinking you wouldn't have thought that" he said in a serious tone. "you can't go back there!". "then how do we get the ball back?!" scotty asked. "we don't" said timmy. "we dont" repeated tommy. "it's history" said timmy. "it's history!" repeated timmy. "kiss it goodbye"said timmy. "kiss it good-" "shut up tommy". "its gone, man.. gone" said bertrum. "games over. we'll just get a new ball tomorrow" said benny disappointed. "yeah. we'll never see it again"

  i looked at smalls. "well.. why not?" they all turned back around and looked at me. "the beast" they said in unison. "what's that?" said scotty. benny walked up to us. "go to that fence.. real slow, and be quiet" he said. "b-but i-" "no no no no.. just go and peek through that hole" he said. "but i- i- i saw something" i said nervously. "what's back there?" scotty said. "it's okay.. just go.." said benny. me and scotty looked at eachother and began walking towards the fence. "shhh!" the boys said behind us. we peeked through the hole.. and heard a growl and saw a big paw grab the ball. we jumped back, but when i jumped back, i fell onto benny. i stood up and looked at him "s-something got the ball.. what was that thing?" the boys looked at eachother. "camp out!" they said in unison.

after we walked home, me and scotty begged our mom to let us go.

"please mom! i'll be there to protect scotty! and the boys are really sweet, ma please!" i said begging. "yeah mom! i promise i'll be okay!" scotty said. "i don't know.. bill? what do you think?" we all turned to bill at his desk "what? oh yeah yeah let him go! let them have their fun" he said not even looking up from his work. i knew mom didn't even think to care if i went even if there's just boys, so we just had to make it okay for scotty. mom looked at scotty "okay.. you can go. but you better be careful! and y/n, look out for your little brother!" she said giving me the mom look. "i will mom, i promise"

  me and scotty ran up stairs to pack. right before we were about to go.. mom made us do the dishes and put our jackets on because "it's chilly out there"

  when we finished, i yelled "we're leaving, bye mom!" and we ran to bennys house.
"finally you're here! let's go!" he said rolling his eyes.

  we got to the treehouse and as we were walking in, scotty said "hey guys! sorry we're late! our mom made us put on jackets and do the dishes!" the boys started laughing and my face turned red but benny looked at me and gave me a warm smile and i suddenly felt calm

• scottys pov

   i walked over and sat by ham. "hey, you want a s'more?" he said. i looked at him confused. "some more of what?" i replied. "no, no. do you want a s'more?" he repeated. now i was really confused "i haven't had anything yet.. how can i have some more of nothing?" i questioned. he rolled his eyes "you're killing me smalls!" he gathered stuff from the table

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