7 (imagine that)

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the boys turned around and started walking towards the boys. benny came over to me and grabbed my hand.

"who are they?" i said looking up at benny as we start walking with the other boys. "remember that boy i was talking about earlier? jj?". i nodded "well this is his team, and that girl right there.. she started playing with them after she found out about us letting you on our team" he said looking down at me

"well, well, well.. benny? care to introduce me to your.. friend?" said, who i'm guessing is jj. he had blonde hair and blue eyes, he wasn't bad looking, but you could tell he had a bad personality. he stuck his hand out offering for you to shake it, but you just stepped back and grabbed bennys arm/bicep.

jj pulled his hand away and rolled his eyes. "whatever, i already know you anyways" . "you don't know anything about her!" benny yelled as he stepped towards him. "i know that she's only on the team cause she's you're little girlfriend" he said stepping even closer towards benny. benny was angry. i've never seen him look at someone with so much hatred, not even phillips! i pulled him away from jj and the girl walked over to me.

"hi, i'm e/n! nice to finally meet you!" she said sticking her hand out. i shook it slowly, she looked so familiar, then i remembered.. she was the girl that was with phillips at the fair..

you stepped back and bumped into benny. he hugged you from behind, making you feel calm. "you're y/n? correct" you nodded. "i heard you're pretty good at baseball.. let's see what you got!" she said trying to sound intimidating. jj grabbed a baseball out of his pocket and started walking toward the pitchers mound. "let's see you bat, beautiful" he said as he looked you up and down. you looked at benny and he nodded telling you to go bat.

jj pitched the ball, and it was a fast one. you swung and sent it over the fallen fence. "be a doll and go get that, will you rodriguez?" jj yelled. benny rolled his eyes and began jogging to get the ball. jj made sure benny was turned the other way when he walked up to me. "you're not too bad, hot stuff" he rubbed your arm and you pulled away. the boys from the sandlot ran over to y'all. "don't touch her!" "get your hands off of her!" "yeah-yeah! i wouldn't do that if i were you" they yelled as they stepped in front of me and began pushing him away.

i was happy that they were standing up for me. it made me feel loved and cared for.

benny ran up to jj and got up in his face "try something again.. i dare you" he said. he turned around and walked towards me. "what happened? what did he do?" you backed away. benny looked angry and you were slightly frightened by his aggressiveness. "y/n?.. i asked you a question!" he said grabbing your shoulder "he just touched my arm. i'm fine babe, really" you said as you backed away. he seemed to notice he was frightening you because he stopped stepping towards you and looked down "i'm sorry y/n..". "i-it's fine.."
why was he like this? you know he doesn't like jj but why was he getting upset towards you?

you walk towards the other boys and they ask if you're okay. you just stand there as jj started walking towards y'all. he pushed the boys out of the way and stepped in front of you. he touched your face but you slapped his hand away, trying to step back. benny pushes you out of the way, which makes you fall on the ground. "DONT TOUCH HER!" he said pushing jj. he punched him, making jj land on the ground. "woah man, chill.. i didn't do anything" jj said as he was backing away. "benny, why are you getting so-" "shut up y/n!" he said cutting you off. he looked glanced down at you still on the ground and looked back at jj, before taking a double take at you.
you were almost in tears. "mi angelita.. i'm so-"
"no. i'm going home" you said as you stood up and brushed yourself off. you started speed walking out of the sandlot and scotty runs up next to you.

• bennys pov

what was i doing? i hurt her and didn't even ask if she was okay. i looked up at jj and he was smirking. "imagine that" he said as he got up and his team started walking out of the sandlot.

you turn around and face the boys. they were all looking at you wide eyed. "you guys.. i didn't mean to push her.. i would never mean to hurt her"
"i don't know man.. you need to tell that to her, not us" yeah-yeah said as he started walking out of the sandlot. the other boys followed him. when they were all gone, i fell to my knees and started thinking. i was being so dramatic. i can't believe i let jj get to me.

after a few minutes, i got up and ran to y/n's house. i knocked on the door and smalls opened it. "smalls! where is she? is she hurt?" i said trying to look into their house to find y/n. "she's in her room.. she locked herself in there.. i-i don't want to seem rude benny, but i don't think she wants to talk or even look at you right now.." he said starting to shut the door. "please, scotty. i didn't mean to hurt her.. just please.. let me talk to her?" he looked towards her room and moved so i could walk inside.

   i ran to y/n's room and tried to open the door. it was locked. "y/n? i'm so sorry. you know i would never want to hurt you.. i let him get to me and i wasn't thinking, mi angelita. please.. let me in?"

  i heard her start to unlock the door. she opened it and she looked up at me with her teary eyes. we went into her room and sat on her bed. "are you okay?" i said tucking her hair behind her ear. she flinched and i felt my heart drop. "aw baby no.. i'm so sorry.." i went in to hug her and as i did she started crying in my arms. she hugged me back and we just sat there for a minute until she sat up and looked at me. "why did you get so mad at me?". "i wasnt mad at you my love! i was mad at jj, i would never be mad at you" i said sitting up. she nodded and then laid back down.

i felt her breathing get slower, and i looked down and saw she was asleep..


my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now