8 (whats your problem?!)

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*still in bennys pov*

i woke up in y/n's room. she was still asleep in my arms when i looked over and saw it was almost 5 pm. i gently shook her shoulder and tried to wake her up "hermosa.. it's time to get up". i slightly shook her again and she jumped up. when she saw me she sighed with relief and laid back down in my arms. "bad dream?" i said rubbing her shoulder. she nodded "i guess it was something like that"

   once y/n got up, we walked over to my house. "y/n! are you joining us for dinner tonight?" my mom said as she saw her walk through the door.

she looked over at me and i nodded. "if that's okay with you!".

  mom rolled her eyes playfully "dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes to an hour". y/n smiled and nodded and we ran to my room.

  things still didn't seem to be normal. "are you okay?" i said sitting by her. she looked up at me and smiled "yeah.. why?". "something just seems.. off". she furrowed her eyebrows seeming to not understand what that meant. i chuckled "never mind"

we laid down for a minute and went into the living room to watch tv. i looked at her and i could tell she wasnt actually paying attention to the tv, she was just king of looking at it.. thinking.

after about 40 something minutes, we started eating. it was chicken and rice, y/n's favorite *you can change it to whatever food you want, i just put that cause it's one of my personal favorites :)*.

when we finished our food we decided to go on a walk since the sun was starting to set.

«on the walk

y/n stayed quiet for a while. until the girl from jj's team walked over to us. "hey e/n!" y/n yelled waving her over to us. i was so confused. i thought y/n didn't like her. "hey y/n! .. hi..benny..". she gave me an ugly look and turned back to y/n. "want to join us? we're just going for a walk!" y/n asked as e/n got closer to us. "of course!" they started walking and i just went by y/n.

   the girls were talking, i wasn't really listening to what they were saying but then they caught my attention. "you have a brother?!" said y/n. "yeah, remember jj? we're twins!" e/n said looking back at me with an evil smirk. i rolled my eyes and grabbed y/n's hand "we should start heading back, it's getting late" i said as i tried to get her to walk away with me. she pushed away my hand and gave e/n a hug. as she hugged her, e/n winked at me and that's when i knew why she started acting like she was friends with y/n. she was using her.

« walking back home

   when i saw e/n walk away i turned to y/n "i thought you didn't like her?". she furrowed her eyebrows "well i didn't know her but when i ran home from the sandlot, she came after me. we talked and she was really sweet, she said she was just acting rude because of her reputation on the team". i just shrugged and continued walking home.

when we got by our houses, smalls came running outside. "y/n! mom said you have to come home cause it's getting late"

she looked at smalls and then back at me and kissed me on the cheek "welp, goodnight pretty boy, dream of me" she said with a playful wink. i smiled "you know i will" i blew her a kiss and then started walking to my house. as soon as i laid down, i fell straight asleep, thinking of y/n.

« the next day

i woke up and got ready to go to the sandlot. i told my mom bye and decided to go by y/n's house

as i was walking across the street i noticed someone walking towards me. it was jj. i rolled my eyes and started walking faster towards her house. i knocked on the door and waited until smalls answered. "you can come in, she's getting ready in her room" he said opening the door for me. once i was about to walk in i feel someone grab my arm. "i need to talk to you" jj said as he started pulling me away from the door.

"i have nothing to say to you, now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go help my girlfriend get ready" i tried walking off. "schools starting in a week, rodriguez. you aren't the only boy that she'll be around"

i turned around and saw jj smirking. "don't you think i know that" i started walking towards him. i stopped and we were face to face. "look, shes hot. i bet all the boys at school are gonna try to get up on her, and trust me, i'll be the first to-" i cut him off by shoving him. "shut your mouth jj" he started laughing "make me"

we started fighting and soon we were both on the ground. i got on top of him and started throwing a few punches. "benny! stop!" someone yelled from behind me. they tried to grab me and pull me off of him but i wouldn't budge. soon i turned around and punched whoever was behind me, but i instantly regretted it. it was y/n.

• y/n pov

i heard yelling and i ran downstairs and saw the front door wide open with scotty standing in the door frame looking shocked and scared. "scotty?". he looked at me and then looked back at whatever was happening out there. i ran outside and saw benny on top of someone, punching them. "benny! stop!" i yelled as i ran over and tried to pull him away from jj. i kept trying to pull him off and then.. i got hit.

he punched me.

my nose started bleeding and my eyes started tearing up. he didn't even notice that he did it at first but then he looked at me and his face dropped.

"y/n.. i-i'm so sorry. i didn't know that was you. i didn't know you were right there" he got off of jj and started walking towards me but i backed away. i was terrified. i started crying, but it hurt. my whole face hurt. jj stood up "y/n! are you okay?!" he ran over to me. he helped me stand up.

scotty came outside "holy shit.." he said as he ran over to me "benny? what happened?" he looked over at benny and then jj "what did you do to her?!" scotty said as he started walking towards jj

"he didn't do anything scotty.. it- it was.. him.." i looked over at benny and he looked like he was broken, so i couldn't help but walk over to him and hug him. he hugged me back and whispered in my ear "mi angelita.. i'm so sorry. you know i would never mean to hurt you"

i looked up at him and he was starting to tear up. i grabbed his face and kissed him on the cheek. "it's okay my love" i knew i shouldn't forgive him that quick, but i know he would never mean to hurt me. i know my benny. and i also know how jj makes him feel.

i walked over to jj "you need to leave..". "me?! he just punched you! he hurt you! i was the one trying to help you!" he grabbed my hand. i pulled it away "i don't even know you! you don't even know me! but i do know benny would never mean to hurt me. someone must've said something really immature or stupid for him to get that angry, so if i were you, i would leave"

he shook his head "whatever you say, princess" he turned away and started jogging to wherever he was going.

i turned to benny "babe? what happened?" he had a huge scratch on his face. "i guess jj got me" he grabbed my hand and we walked inside

after we cleaned ourselves up we decided to lay down in my room and listen to some music.

"and they called it- puppy love
oh i guess they'll never know..

we had been laying down for a few minutes when benny stood up and reached his hand out. i gave him my hand as i stood up and he grabbed my waist. we started swaying to the music.

nothing could ruin this moment.

"and they called it- puppy love
just because we're- we're seventeen
tell them all it- oh please tell them it isn't fair
to take away my only dream..

i layed my head on his shoulder.
he started humming

"i cry each night
my tears for you my tears are all in vein
i hope. and i pray that maybe someday
you'll be back
in my arms
once again...
someone help me help me.. help me please
is the answer.. up above
how can i- oh how can i tell them
this is not a puppy love..
someone help me. help me. help me.. please
is that answer... up above
how can i ever tell them..
this is not a puppy.. love.."

as the song ended i look up at him and see he's smiling.. so warmly. i've never felt like this before. this can't be real. this has to be a dream. he leaned in and kissed me as his hands raised to my face/jaw. as we kissed, i could tell this was real. what i was feeling real..


my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now