4 (wendy peffercorn)

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when i got home, i ran to my room and grabbed my bathing suit. *you can imagine whatever bathing suit you'd like* once i changed, i felt confident looking in the mirror.

  i put on a cover up dress and some flip flops. i ran to scottys room and knocked he opened the door and handed me a towel. as we waited for benny, we talked.

"do you like benny?" scotty asked. "scotty! why would you say such a thing.." i replied getting nervous. he looked at me like i was stupid "it's obvious, i mean.. i'm your brother! and i've never seen you look at anyone the way you look at benny. i see the way you get when he's around, y/n". my face turned red. "okay, fine.. i really like him.. is it that obvious?! do you think he knows?!" i said starting to get even more nervous. "no, or at least i don't think so.. he asked me about it the other day" oh my god. "what did you tell him.." i said with my leg shaking.. PLEASE tell me he didn't say anything stupid. "i told him i wasn't sure, but there's a chance you might" he said standing up to look out the window. "look! there he is right now! MOM, WE'RE LEAVING!"

right as we were about to run outside, mom stopped us and put sunscreen on scottys cheeks, nose and shoulders.

  once we got out benny started unning towards us and he lead us to the pool.
when we got there, i started feeling insecure, so i kept my hand over my stomach and refused to take my dress off. i think benny had noticed

  "what's wrong y/n? aren't you excited to swim?" he said walking over to me. "she thinks she looks fat" said scotty rolling his eyes. my face turned red and i punched him in the shoulder giving him the "why would you say that" look.

  benny looked at me up and down and furrowed his eyebrows "oh cmon y/n! you're perfect! honestly! i bet all of the girls here wish they had your body" he said smiling at me. he grabbed my hand "come on, you can take your dress off in the lady's room if that makes you feel better. we'll wait right here, and we can walk out together" he said as he lead me to the bathrooms. "thank you benny" i said as i handed him my towel and went into the bathroom.

i took my dress off and looked in the mirror. all of my confidence was drained. i walked out of the bathroom and tapped benny on the shoulder. when he turned around and looked at me, he started staring, and so did the rest of the boys, besides scotty of course. they looked like a goofs, so i waved my hand in front of their faces "hello, are you guys ready?". they finally looked up at my face and benny grabbed my hand and we walked to the swimming area. i set my dress down in a chair and benny set our towels right beside it. he jumped into the pool and splashed me. "hey!" i said laughing. i sat down on the edge of the pool and watched him swim under water. when he came back up, he swam right beside me "aren't you gonna get it?" he said with a smirk. "well yeah but-" as i was about to finish my sentence i feel someone grab my waist and pull me into the water. i swim back up and see benny laughing. "benny!" i said as he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him. "y/n, there's something i need to tell you.. i've been wanting to tell you for a while now, but everytime i start talking i get interru-" "and you say you two are just friends!" yells squints cutting off benny. i look at benny and he looked upset to be interrupted. i grab his arm and say "hey, you can tell me when we get out of the pool, okay?". he smiled "okay".

  we swam over the the rest of the boys and saw them staring at the lifeguard. "aw, man" said benny starting to stare too. not gonna lie, that made me jealous. "yeah yeah. too cool" said yeah-yeah practically drooling. "who's that?" i asked slightly annoyed. "wendy peffercorn" said deNunez.

  "she don't know what she's doing" said timmy "she don't know what she's doing" repeated tommy. "yeah she does. she knows exactly what she's doin" said benny admiring her. i became upset. i don't know why it made me so mad to see him looking at another girl. he's not even my boyfriend! i got out and sat in the side of the pool, but i could still hear the boys talking.

   "i've swum here every summer of my adult life, and every summer there she is; lotioning.. oiling... oiling.. lotioning!" squints said watching wendy's every move. "i can't take this no more!.. move!" he said pushing the boys out of his way as he climbed out of the pool. "what's wrong with him?" said scotty. "what's he doing?" said ham. we saw squints walk to the deep end and towards the diving board. "three summer of this, and i think he finally stapped!" said deNunez. "i don't know but that's the deep end and squints can't swim!" said yeah-yeah, sounding concerned. squints took off his glasses while shivering, and waved at wendy, the life guard. once she waved back he blushed, and plugged his nose. then.. he jumped in! "SQUINTS!" i yelled as the boys swam as fast as we could to the get out of the pool. they got out of the pool and we began running. we all looked over at wendy but she didn't do anything, so i had to take matters into my own hands and jump in to save him.

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