10 (i just dont understand)

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i woke up laying on who i thought was benny.. but it was jj. when i saw him everything came back to me and i remembered what had happened.

i woke up jj and he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at me. we had only been asleep for maybe a few minutes

i stood up and started walking to the window to see how dark it was outside but it looked the same as when we first fell asleep. i sat down beside him and after a few minutes scotty came running into the house. he ran to my room and then ran back out. he looked around and then saw me "oh!" he started running towards me and he grabbed my hand and lead me outside and towards the sandlot

"scotty! what are you going?! let go!" i twisted my arm and his hand let go of my wrist. "y/n come on! we have to go! trust me" he said as he got behind me and started pushing me. "okay okay! quit pushing me!"

we got to the sandlot and all of the boys were gone, but e/n was there. "y/n.. there's something i need to tell you about what happened.." she said as she walked closer to me. "well i don't want to hear it. or.. atleast not from you.. i'm leaving. come on scotty" i tried to walk off but ran into someone.

i looked up and saw benny. i looked away as quick as i possibly could. he lifted my chin so we were now face to face. "please listen to what she has to say.. i'm begging you" i sighed and walked towards e/n

"what is it" i tried to avoid eye contact with her. "it wasn't benny's fault. it was mine. he didn't want me to come to his house but i did. we were drinking waters and i put some stuff in his to make his drowsy and tired so i could try to make a move. i don't know why i thought that was okay. i put not only him but you in danger"

"how did you put me in danger?" i said rolling my eyes. "i see how you are without benny. i can't even imagine what it would be like if he were hurt or.. worse"

i sighed and turned to benny "so you really didn't mean to kiss her?" "i really didn't! i tried to tell you she drugged me but.. you were upset.." he shook his head "look, i should've just closed the door on her. i should've just said no and walked away and i'm sorry i didn't know things would go this far"

yeah-yeah came running into the sandlot. "benny all of the flower stores are- oh haha.." he looked at me and nervously chuckled. i furrowed my eyebrows "flower stores?". "y-yeah.. benny sent me with his money to get flowers while he talked to you but.. i didn't know you were already here.. haha whoops!" i smiled and turned back to benny

"look.. you've done a lot of stupid stuff that i've had to forgive you for.. but this time.. it wasn't your fault so.. i guess..i forgive you.. again" he looked up at me and smiled and kissed my forehead "i'm so happy you believe me mi angelita, i promise i wouldn't never intentionally kiss.. her" he said looking at e/n with a grossed out look

"y/n.. i hope we can still be friends.. i never meant to-"
"look, i totally get it!"
"you do?!"
"of course! you're a selfish, rude, home wrecking human! and i don't need that in my life.. so.. bye" i sarcastically smiled as she was in shock. "i said bye" she just shook her head "it's not like i wanted to be friend with you anyways"

she rolled her eyes, flipped her hair, and walked away and out of the sandlot. i turned back towards benny "i just don't understand"

"what do you not understand?" he said as he interlocked his finger with mine. "why was she after you? why did she have to try and ruin our relationship? i don't understand"

"babe, just because she tried, doesn't mean she did. we're still together and that's all that matters, okay? i love you, you know that right?"
"i know.. i love you too" i said as i leaned in to kiss his cheek. just as i was about to plant a kiss on his cheek he turned his head so our lips touched "benny!" i laughed

we started heading home and once we got to my house we saw all of the boys at the front door "y/n! are you home?" "hey open up!" "y/n! come on"

"uh.. guys!" they didn't hear me "you guys! i'm right here!" they all turned around and ran towards me. "look y/n, benny didn't mean to kiss her!" "he was drugged!" "he loves you!" i started chuckling "you guys!" i held up mine and bennys interlocked hands and they all sighed in relief. i laughed and we went inside

i went over to the couch and saw there was a note. it was from jj!

"y/n, you're a really great girl. any guy would be lucky to have you, and benny took advantage of that. you deserve someone who can treat you how you need to be treated, and at first i thought i could be the one to do that for you, so i tried to hit on you, but when i saw the way you were hurting, i realized i couldn't do that for you, but benny can. i hope the best for you two and i'll try my hardest to keep my sister and myself out of your relationship.
love, jj"

i read it and then showed it to benny. "oh.." he said. i furrowed my eyebrows "oh? what do you mean oh?"

he put the paper down and sat on the couch running his fingers through his hair "do i take advantage of you y/n?.." i sat down by him "benny, no" i put my hand over his knee "maybe he was right.. i do take advantage of you.. i took advantage of your love for me and let her get to me" he stood up "y/n i'm so sorry"

"benny.. you were drugged! it wasn't your fault! and like jj said you treat me right. you don't take advantage of my feelings for you.. because you have the same feelings for me" i said standing up and walking over to him. "you're right, im sorry. i just can't stop overthinking. especially since schools starting soon" i pulled him into a hug "it's okay.. i understand!" he smiled and kissed my cheek

we all went into my room and sat around just talking and laughing when someone walked in. he looked familiar.. almost like an older version of scotty. then i remembered...


hey y'all! so i'm going to add a twist to y/n's story right here by adding another new character! hope y'all enjoy and feel free to comment different ideas for each chapter or ideas for a new story!! 💜

also, i know this story is starting to get chaotic! but i started getting bored with writing it so i decided to put random stuff and see where i could go with it!

my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now