11 (you cant do that)

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scotty stood up and looked like he had seen a ghost then it hit me.. it was our brother

*ik the parents ages probably don't go with having an older brother, but can we just pretend they do for the story? lol* 

he left when me and scotty were little.. he wasn't even old enough to leave, but he ran away..

we never knew where he went and we've spent the past 10 years looking for him.. and now, he's here?!

i had so many questions "w-what are you doing here? does mom know you're here? how did you get i-"

he walked over to me "y/n.. wow... you're.. you're so grown!" he hugged me and lifted me off of the ground "my baby sister!" i looked at scotty with a shocked look

"wait, where's scott?! is he home? does he know who i am?!" i walked over to scotty and patted his shoulder and stood behind him to show him out brother " scotty.. this is our brother.. marshall"

marshall's eyes started tearing up. "oh my.. scotty.. hey bubba" he walked over to scotty. he reached out his hand but scotty backed away "it's okay.. trust me"  i said. he slowly held his hand out

they shook hands and marshall pulled scotty into a tight hug "i cant believe how old you two are!" he let go off scotty and scotty walked back to me

i then remember the boys were all still here. i looked over at benny and smiled. i walked over and grabbed his hand and lead him to my big brother

"marshall.. this is benny.. my boyfriend" i smiled and looked at marshall. he looked heated. "your what? you're not aloud to have a boyfriend! you're too-"

i cut him off "hey! you can't do that! you haven't been here for almost my whole life. you can't just come back and tell me what i can and can't do"

"..sorry. hi, i'm marshall, nice to meet you.. benny" he shook his hand and gave him and forced smile. benny smiled back "i-im benny, n-nice to m-meet you" benny replied nervously

"i can't believe you're here! mom talks about you all of the time! she'll be so happy to see you!" i said. right when marshall opened his mouth to say something, we heard the front door open as if it were on que

"kids! i'm home! can y'all come help me with the groceries please?!" yelled my mom from downstairs. i smiled at marshall and pulled him to the kitchen where my mom was. she wasn't looking at us yet "there's some more in the car. are they boys here? are they staying for dinn- ... oh.. my... god...." she looked at marshall and her eyes started watering.

"hi mom.." marshall said with a shaken voice. mom walked over to him and grabbed his face "is that really you?"

"yes, it's me, momma" she pulled him into a hug and started crying, and he did the same

"i can't believe you're here! you're really here!" mom said as she pulled away from the hug. "mom can we go out to dinner? just us two? i want to talk about.. why i left.." marshall said as he put his head down "of course sweetie.. i'm glad you're back"

they went out to eat and i ran back up to my room. all of the boys looked up and started asking a bunch of questions but the one i focused on was bennys "why did you tell me you had a brother, babe?"

i already knew the answer the that question "i didn't think i needed to.. i didn't think he'd come back" benny looked down and then back up at me "i'm sorry" i shook my head and smiled "there's no need to be! he's back now and that's all that matters"

we all talked for a few minutes and then some of the boys finally had to go home. by the time we started watching a movie, yeah-yeah, benny, me, and scotty were the only ones there

as we were watching the movie, i decided to get some snacks, so i went to the kitchen and started looking through the pantry i grabbed *whatever snack you want* and walked back to the boys

"do you guys want anything?" i said standing in the door way. benny stood up "what are you doing" i said. "going to the kitchen with you" he smiled and grabbed my hand

yeah-yeah and scotty told us what they wanted and so we got there stuff. when i started walking towards the stairs, benny grabbed my hand "where do you think you're going, beautiful?" he said as he pulled me back and grabbed my waist. i smiled and turned around so we were face to face

"come on benny, we gotta finish the movie" i said smirking slightly. "can't we just have some alone time for a bit" he said smiling. "hmm.. okay" i said

we walked over the the living room and sat on the couch. benny grabbed the snacks from my hands and put them on the coffee table

he grabbed my waist, hugging me as i laid on his chest. he started rubbing my back and i was messing with his hair. i looked up at him to see he was already looking at me. he leaned in and kissed my lips. the kiss lasted longer the i thought

*this part gets kinda freakay and it doesn't have a specific part in the story, it's just for some fun and spice, so feel free to scroll and skip this section*

as we were kissing, he started moving his hands lower, and lower, and soon, he grabbed my thighs and moved my legs to where i was on top of him, not breaking the kiss. the kiss, of course, turned into a makeout sesh. he started rubbing my lower back, slowly lifting my shirt. he put my shirt back down and grabbed my thighs again, and started thrusting his hips. i could feel his.. yk what.. start lifting, turning into a b0n3r. i broke the kiss and he smiles/smirks and then rolls on top of me. kiss hands glide down my body and i can feel his breath on my neck. he starts kissing me once more, and then he starts going lower, kissing my neck. i smirk as he looks up at me. he pulls away from my neck, looks at me again, and puts his forehead onto mine. "y/n.. i love you" he said as he brought his hands up to my face/jaw. i blushed "i love you too benny". he smiled and got off of me, and sat beside me, putting his hand on my thigh. he slightly rubbed my thigh with his thumb as he just stared at and admired me. he smirked and pecked my lips "wanna go back up stairs? the boys are probably wondering what we're doing down here" he said with a wink. i nodded and stood up and grabbed the snacks from the table.
as we were walking upstairs i heard scotty yell my name. i looked at benny and he smiled at me as i started running to my room

i walked in and scotty had a disappointed look on him face "what were y'all doing?" he said

i looked back at benny and gave him the * we got caught* look. i turned back to scotty and gave him an innocent smile "we were eating.. why" i said

"yea.. whatever" he said looking back at the television to watch the movie. me and benny sat down and snuggled up as we started to watch the movie with them

after a few minutes my eyes began to get tired so i slowly drifted off to sleep

i woke up to someone shaking my arm and yelling "y/n get up! we have to go! come on!" i opened my eyes and sat up quickly and saw benny with a panicked look on his face..


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