14 (this cant be true)

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* okay so i don't really like how this story is becoming so chaotic and i don't really know how to fix it but i'm going to add a HUGE twist to this story soooo enjoy lovely's !*

"y/n... y/n..?" i hear someone say. they sound .. foggy? but i can still understand. "she hasn't been up for a while, you need to go get some rest mrs l/n *last/name*

my eyes fluttered open as i slowly look around. i see my baby brother and handsome boyfriend sitting down thumb wrestling

i continue looking around and notice.. i'm in the hospital?!

"w-what happened.. why am i h-here?" i said softly and confused

my moms attention turns towards me and she begins to cry. "my baby! thank the lord you're awake! my poor baby!" she cried as she hugged me tight. i look around again and see benny walking towards me with scotty.

"y/n.. you're awake! oh my gosh! you're really awake" he said as he kissed my head and hugged me

i looked at scotty and he looked scared to see me. "scotty?" i said confused of why he wouldn't hug me and give me the same energy as benny and mom

i start to think and then i remember.. i thought mom didn't make it?

"mom? what happened.. are you okay? where's marshall?!" i said in a panic starting to attempt to stand up

"woah there, partner" mom said as she helped me sit back down. "did you just say .. m-marshall..?" she said as i calmed down

"yes, my brother. where is he?! did he leave after the wreck?! and you! i thought you were dead! what is going on" i yelled as i became panicked again

"sweetie.. how do you know about marshall.. and what wreck?! i'm perfectly fine!" she said as she started walking towards the door. she poked her out of the door and asked for a nurse

"what do you mean.. he's my brother? he came back the other day.. you guys were there remember? we were watching a movie with the rest of the sandlot boys!" i said turning towards scotty and benny. they looked so confused and worried

i turned back to my mom "y'all went out.. y'all got into a wreck.. aunt betty called me and told that-" my mother cut me off "aunt betty?! y/n how do you know about these people?" she said looking worried

"she called me.. she told me that you and marshall wrecked and that you weren't going to.. make it.." i said

"why am i here?" i said. my mother looked at me "y/n.. you've been in a coma for a month.. marshall and aunt betty.. they passed away before you were even born.. i've never told you about them.. how do you" i cut her off "you're lying. you're a liar! marshall came home! and aunt betty called me! i haven't been in a coma!" i said starting to get angry from all of the information that was just put onto me

benny put his hand in my shoulder. "babe.. she's not lying. you've been out for a little over a month.. you've never told me about your aunt betty and i've never seen your brother.. and the sandlot boys.. you know you guys don't get along" he said trying to calm me down

"b-but we were just playing with them the other day.. remember?" i said starting to feel lost and numb

he became even more confused "baby.. we don't even talk to those boys anymore.. we haven't played with them since we joined phillips' team" he said

my eyes grew wide

"phillips! i thought you hated phillips?! he's the biggest jerk to ever live!" i said

"y/n what are you talking about" he said

i shook my head in disbelief "this can't be true"

as he was about to say something again, a doctor walked in "y/n.. this says you're free to leave in.. 5 hours!" the doctor said flipping through paper in his clipboard. "thank you doc" said my mom. he nodded and walked out of the room

it was about 8:50 so we would be able to leave at like 2. i was still confused about this while "coma" thing

"can someone please explain what happened and why i'm here" i blurted out

*i'm not sure if this is a legitimate reason for a coma but i'm honestly not sure what else to put so bear with me! also none if this stuff is going to be very realistic in the recovery and the time it takes for "y/n to be able to do stuff but it's just a story so please, bear with me!*
my mom grabbed my hand and began explaining
"you were playing baseball one day you stayed out longer than usual and you hadn't eaten breakfast.. i was about to put up the plates from dinner when i hear someone banging on the door. i open it and see benny carrying you and crying.. he said you wouldn't wake up and he couldn't tell if you were breathing or not.. so we rushed you to the hospital and.. now you're awake! i guess the lack of food and all of that running around had caused your body the shut down for a while" she said

i started to remember everything now.. i felt my eyes tearing up. "then why did life keep going on in my head? i met marshall and me and benny went to the sandlot everyday..scotty did too!" i said trying to get a grip on reality

my mom, scotty, and benny tried to help me calm down and explain. by the time we checked the clock, it was already about 11

my mother decided it would be best to get me ready and clean now so i can have some time to relax after. i got up easily and walked into the bathroom. i heard a knock on the door. i opened it and saw my mother with a shocked look on her face

"yes?" i said confused. "do you need help?" she said. "no.. why?" i said looking around. "well i thought since.. never mind" she closed the door

i proceeded to turn the water on and get undressed. i decided to stare at myself in the mirror. i still don't understand how any of this happened

i started at myself for a while longer until someone knocked on the door

"who is it?" i yelled wrapping myself in a towl. "it's me.." benny said. "can i come in?" he said. "uh.. sure?" i walked to the door and opened it and saw benny standing there and smiling his beautiful smile

"i thought it would be better if i were in here to make sure you don't fall or anything.." he said. i nodded and proceeded to change the water temperature until it was perfect

he stared at me like he was waiting for something

"what are you doing?" i said with a giggle. he smiled "what do you mean?" he said

"you're looking at me like you're waiting for something.. what is it?" i said as i walked closer to him. he grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him

he pecked my lips and kept smiling "i'm just so happy you're awake.. i missed you" he said


okay idek where this story is going so i think i'm gonna end it here so... benny and y/n end up together and the sandlot boys become y'all's team again and everything goes back to normal :)) read my new story ; benny boy, for more fan fiction and for more of benny

oh! and request other stories !

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