12 (this is all my fault)

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i stood up and ran to put my shoes on. when i finished tying them, benny grabbed my hand and we started running. we ran for a few seconds and i realized where we were going.. the sandlot

i couldn't think of any possible reason he would be taking me to the sandlot. if he wanted to surprise me, he most likely would've sent one of the boys to get me, and scotty was still at home.. or so i thought

we arrived at the sandlot and i saw phillips. he's beating up one of the boys. i let go of bennys hand and sprinted to the fight. i pushed everyone out of the way and looked down to see my little brother on the ground with phillips on top of him, punching and punching

i became angry. i didn't know what else to do other than push phillips off of scotty and attack

i grabbed phillips by the collar of the jacket and dragged him to the floor

once he was down and off of scotty, benny helped scotty up and walked him to the bench. i got on top of phillips and began punching and slapping and scratching. it's like i couldn't control myself. all of my anger came out

i don't even remember what happened next, but i do remember one of the boys grabbing my arms and trying to pull me off of him. they finally got me off and i gave him a good kick before stepping away from him

"stay the hell away from these boys, especially my brother" i said. his face was bloody and scratched up. his hat had came off and his hair was now messed up and crazy looking

he looked like someone had just kicked his ass

and someone did

and that someone was me.

i waited for him to get up and leave before running over to scotty

"bubba? what happened? why didn't you tell me you were coming here? i thought you were still at home!" i said panicked. i looked down at his legs and they were all bloody and scratched up "this is all my fault.. i'm so sorry scotty.." i said disappointed in myself

he shook his head and started crying. i sat down beside him "hey, it's okay. you don't have to cry bubba. it's okay we'll get you cleaned up"

"i'm not crying because i'm a mess y/n.." he said. "then what's the matter?" i looked at him confused

"i'm so sorry i couldn't defend you.. i'm sorry i could fight for you.. you're the best but sister ever! and all i wanted to do was stick up for you, but i couldn't even do it without you having to come save me" he said

"scotty.." i didn't know what to say. i can't believe he cared about me that much "scotty.. you don't have to be sorry for being my little brother. you shouldn't have to fight teenage boys for me.. especially phillips" i looked up at the field "you were so brave for standing up for me.. thanks bubba! you're the best brother i couldn't ever ask for and that's a promise" i hugged him

he looked at me like he had accomplished a mission. i know he was my brother, but he didn't have to stand up for me like that. especially to phillips! i'm so proud of scotty for being so brave!

we went home and benny and i cleaned him up. i love how benny cares for scotty so much. it makes my heart warm

once we were done scotty ended up going to yeah-yeahs house and staying the night. me and benny stayed at my house and waited for my mom and brother to come back home

they had been gone for a while so i just assumed they went to do some mother/son activities to catch up with eachother

me and benny went up to my room and laid down and just talked for a while. "y/n.. you're so beautiful" he said as he stared into my eyes. "thank you benny, you're not too bad yourself" i said as i laid myself on top of him. he was honestly perfect. i couldn't believe how lucky i was. i loved my life


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