2 (the great bambino)

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                                     - morning -
i woke up at around 7:40. i threw on some jeans, PF flyers, a plain white t-shirt and one of my dads old jerseys.

i walked downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. as i'm eating i hear a knock on the door. "i got it!" i say as i run and open it. it's benny :). "good morning" he said with his handsome smile. "good morning, benny. do you wanna come inside for a sec. i'm still waiting on scotty" he nodded. once scotty was ready we ran off and benny lead us to "Vincent drug". when we got there. there were already about 7 boys there.

the one with red/orange hair and vibrant freckles was talking to the other boys. "i'm the gweat wambwino"
"what?" "i'm the gweat bambwino!"
"what??" he took out whatever he had in his mouth and said "i'm the great bambino" the other boys finally got it "ohhh"
"who's that?" said scotty. i can't believe it. my own brother. doesn't know who the great bambino was.

"what." "what did he say" "were you born in a barn" "yeah, what planet are you from?" i looked over at benny and he gave me the "he's joking, right" look. i shrugged and looked back at the boys.
"you never heard of the sultan of swat?"
"the titan of terror?"
"the colossus of clout?" "the colossus of clout!"
benny stepped forward and said "the king of crash, man" scotty looked at me and i looked back at him, waiting for him to say something.

"oh yeah, the great bambino, i thought you said the great.. bambi!" scotty said nervously. "that wimpy dear?" scotty looked at me again and i nodded. "yeah.. i guess. sorry"

benny then changed the subject."anyways scott, y/n, that's tommy and timmy timmons" they spat on the floor. "mike, squints, palledorous" he spat too. "allen mcClellan- we call him yeah yeah" and of course, he spat too. "bertram grover weeks *spits*, kenny deNunez *spits*, and hamilton porter, we call him ham *spits*" i look at all of them, and see they're staring at me.. with ugly, mean looks. "guys, this is y/n and smalls" "hi" i said nervously. "yeah, um, well, they're gonna play with us cause they make 10.. we're waisting time, let's go to the sandlot". squints rolls his eyes and drags his feet "benny, it's 9 in the morning"

we all start walking and i hear a boy speak. "why'd you bring them, benny?" "cause there's 8 of us, and they make 10" "yeah yeah, so would my sisters, but i didnt bring them" allen said looking back at me. "with ten guys- er, i mean nine guys a girl.. we got a whole team, plus a batter, yeah-yeah" benny said as he rolled his eyes. "no, with elswenger had a whole team." "elswenger could catch.. and throw" "come on, benny. they ain't game" "she's a girl.. and he looks like a nerd!"

when i heard that i looked and saw scotty with his head down. i lifted his chin up and smiled but he only looked away. 
"you already fill up all of the empty positions since elswenger moved to arizona" benny looked at us and then back at the boys "right. and now i can rotate all positions instead of seven. i need the practice, guys" he said as the boys started up again. "you're the best on the team man, you don't need any practice" "no, you don't" "you're the best, man"

"come on benny man, the kid is a L-7 weenie!" squints said as he looked at scotty and stuck up his fingers making a weird square. "yeah, yeah! oscar mayer even! footlong! dodger dog! a weenie!" yeah-yeah said laughing at my little brother. benny then stood up for scotty "what are you laughing at, yeah-yeah, you run like a duck!". yeah-yeah got quiet. "..kk but i'm.. i'm.." "part of the game, right?" "mm, yeah!" "now how come they don't get to be?"
"cause he's a geek, man. and she's a girl" said bertram.

benny started turning around "man, base up you blockheads!.. smalls, take left center. y/n.. you can bat" ham turned towards us "benny! you're letting HER bat?". benny turned around "oh don't start, ham, she's probably better than you!" i smiled at him as he turned back around and handed me the bat. i liked how he stuck up for me and scotty. he was so sweet. he wasn't like other boys. but i can't like him. i have to focus on baseball, like my dad wanted me to before he passed away. he wants me to change the future of baseball, for girls. i can't let some boy get in the way of our dream.. i just can't!
before the boys decided to finally warm up to scotty, benny and i had to teach him how to catch and throw.

  we all decided to go home after the long day of baseball. benny walked me and scotty home and told me to wait outside. as scotty went inside, benny started talking to me.

  "you're different, you know that?" i look at him confused. "a good different of course, i mean.. what girl would want to play baseball with random, rude boys all day?" he smiled at me "well.. i don't know.. not many i guess" he grabbed my hand and looked me in the eye "i hope to see you tomorrow, y/n" he flashed me a warm smile before he dropped my hand and ran back to his house.

maybe i could make and exception for him in my baseball life...


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