5 (back off, phillips)

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-the next morning

i woke up to benny saying "mi angelita, wake up". i sat up and smiled at him "good morning, handsome" i said kissing his cheek. "good morning my love" he said as he started standing up. he grabbed my hands and helped me stand up with him. we looked at the floor and saw scotty asleep. "bubba, wake up! we're gotta get ready to go the sandlot" i said. he got up and we all went to the bathroom to brush our teeth. they boys got dressed in scottys room, and i got dressed in mine. i wore loose, ripped jeans and a white tank top with an un-buttoned baseball jersey over it, and of course my PF flyers.

  i walked downstairs and saw the boys eating toast and talking to my mom. "good morning, y/n. do you want some toast?" mom asked. "mornin" i said as i grabbed a piece of toast and sat down between benny and scotty.

  once we finished eating, we ran to the sandlot. we played for a while and then we heard bikes.. phillips was there!

"oh no.." i heard one of the boys say. "it's easy when you play with a bunch of rejects and a fat kid, rodriguez" said phillips. i was shocked, i thought he would be nice. "shut your mouth, phillips!" benny said hiding me behind him. "what'd you say, crap-face?!" said ham. "i said you shouldn't even be able to touch a baseball. except for rodriguez, you're all an insult to the game!" phillips said. "come on we'll take you right here, right now" yelled ham. "YEAHH!" the boys yelled in agreement. phillips rolled his eyes "we play on a real diamond, porter! you ain't good enough to lick the dirt off our cleats!" said phillips. "watch it, jerk!" yelled ham.
they started going back and forth "shut up, idiot!" . "moron!" . "scab eater!" . "butt sniffer!" . "pus licker!" . "fart smeller!" . "you eat dog crap for breakfast, geek!" . "you mix your wheaties with you mommas toe jam!" . "you bob for apples in the toilet.. and you like it!"

  you could tell ham got angry at that last insult 
".. you play ball like a GIRL!" everyone fell quiet. "hey! i play better than half of you guys!" i yelled stepping towards ham. phillips noticed me "hey! i've seen you before.. i didn't quite catch your name there, beautiful" he said smirking.

  "back off, phillips" said benny grabbing my shoulders. "oh what are you gonna do?" phillips said grabbing my hand. "don't touch my sister!" yelled scotty. phillips let go of my hand and laughed when he saw scotty "make me, twig!" he said as he grabbed scottys arm. i slapped him.

  "leave my little brother alone, you creep!" i yelled. he smiled at me. "join our team, babe. i promise it'll be better than playing with these dorks" he said as he reached for my hand again. "i'm not gonna go that easy" i said backing away and pulling my hand back. "fine then... tomorrow. noon. at our field.. if we win.. we get the girl" he said looking at benny. "no!" benny yelled stepping in front of me. i stepped in front of him and said "and if we win.. you can never come here ever again.. and we get your field". "deal, but you can't play. the boys have to win for themselves" phillips said as he began turning his bike around. i nodded and they rode off.

  "that. was.. AWESOME!" said ham patting me on the back. "babe! i can't believe you made him go away just like that!" benny said hugging me. "come on guys, we need to- er.. you need to practice!" i started walking towards the dug out.

  the boys started playing and we didn't get home until about 8. i took a shower and went to sleep, hoping the boys will do good against phillips' team..

-the next morning

i woke up, got ready and ran to benny house. right when i was about to knock, he opened the door, grabbed my hand and we ran to the sandlot. the boys practice for a little bit and then we all ran to the tiger's field.

  when we got there, phillips ran up to me "get ready to have to change teams, darling" he smirked smirk and touched my hair. i slapped his hand away "we'll see about that, jordan" and i walked towards my team's dugout and sat on the bench. the boys were doing great! we had won by a lot! "better luck next time, jordan" i yelled as we ran back to the sandlot.

my pretty boy (benny rodriguez x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now