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Stef's: POV
I arrived back home from the grocery store picking up groceries. Lena is currently on bed rest, due to Kennedy
Wanting to make her grand entrance early. So the doctors decided it would be best for Lena to stay in bed before the baby comes, l know my wife hates being cooped up in the house. But this is for the safety of our daughter,
I have taken over all the house whole chores. I've bought enough groceries that should last us for two months or so, l know she's getting irritated
Just the other day Lena had me rearrange the bedroom. She's been experiencing so contractions, which scared me half to death. When we found out Kennedy dropped, that's she is order to rest. I exit my car and to go unlock the front door, so I can start bringing the bags in the house. There's so many bags in my trunk, l've been to three different stores. I carried more bags in the house, we've gotten so many.
Baby stuff for kennedy. This little girl is going to be spoil rotten, the nursery is all set up. Our living room is filled with boxes, we haven't opened up yet
Our mothers sent gifts. So has my brother. Toys r us came about four times already in the last two weeks
There's a swing set in the back yard
They delivered last week, the guy put everything together. The restaurant is doing great, l don't go in as much
Due to the fact that our daughter could come at any time now. I got the last few bags out, now I have to put this food away. I better get to it
I'm wondering what Lena's up to
It's awfully quiet, so I head upstairs to check on Lena. And find her asleep
With the tv on, l covered her up with the blanket. She opens up her eyes
Hey baby l was wondering when you're be back, Lena says groggy

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