Kennedy Elizabeth Marie Adams Foster

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Lena's: POV
No words can't describe how l'm feeling to be holding our beautiful daughter in our my arms. I didn't think l could love anyone as much as I love this little girl. I'm blessed to have my life, Stef went home to get Kennedy's car seat in the mist of rushing out the house. I got done feeding her,
I decided to breastfeed her, she fell asleep in my arms after I nurse her
I don't want to put her down in the cot beside my bed. I filled out the appropriate documents for her birth certificate and social security card
I did all the paperwork when Stef was here. Kennedy just added another piece to my heart, I laid her gently down.
Tomorrow l'm going to be discharged
I can look at Kennedy all day long
Stef took a bunch of pictures with her phone and sent them to our families
Our mothers are coming back down in a couple of weeks. I'm not ready to share her with anybody except Stef
She cried when she held our daughter
While l was sleeping, it was an emotional moment for her to bond with Kennedy. I Still can't believe l'm a mommy now, Stef supposed to bring me back something to eat, she knows that I don't eat everybody's else's food
Especially hospitals of all places
I turned on the TV to see what's on
They a good program on Hallmark
That seems to be interesting. My body has went through some major changes. I'm in a little pain
I already pressed the button for the nurse come, to get me some pain medicine. Lactation nurse said for me to feed the baby every thirty minutes
It's a good thing we brought a breast pump and baby bottles, l'm just sitting up in the bed. Every so often I glaced at, Kennedy looks so peaceful in her white onesie she has on.

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