Getting the house ready for Kennedy and Lena's arrival

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Stef's: POV
I had to come back home because
I left Kennedy's car seat at the house
We were in a such a big rush. When leaving the house, Lena's been discharged tomorrow. I figured I'll clean the place up before she comes home, l did all the laundry and vacuum all the rooms, l brought the bassinet upstairs to our room.
I hung all Kennedys clothes in her closet. I wanted to be comfortable when she comes, luckily we have enough food to last for a while
Once I finished all the housework
I carry the car seat out the door
The house is locked up. It's takes me ten minutes to set the car seat up
Lena wanted me to bring her something to eat from the restaurant
I brought Lena something to wear
And Kennedy's diaper bag, l already called the restaurant and put in a order. I'm going have to stop by party city for some balloons and the flower shop to get Lena some roses, l'm overjoyed our little girl is here and healthy.

Lena's: POV
I'm lying here in bed waiting for the nurse to bring back Kennedy back to the room. She was taking down for some routine test, l can't stand being away from my daughter for a second
Stef texted me and said she was on her way here. Hopefully she didn't forget the car seat and the diaper bag
And a set changing clothes for the
They told me that I could take a shower, l'll take once Stef comes
My mother called me and told me she received the pictures. Of Kennedy is going to be so spoiled, this mom's first grandchild. And Sharon's second
I've been getting text messages left and right, from our friends congratulating me. I'm wondering what's taking that nurse so long to bring Kennedy back, they have only been gone thirty minutes. It seems longer than that, l need to hold together before I drive myself crazy
The nurse comes back with Kennedy
Pushing my daughter in the cot.
I don't mean no harm but what took so long bringing my baby to me
Lena asks in a rude tone. We needed to give her a bath, and pediatrician
Wanted to check her out before you guys go home in the morning. She's gotten her first set of immunizations
You need calm down some, l think it's best for your Kennedy to stay in the baby nursery with the other babies
Tonight because it's been a long day
You can use the rest. The nurse said
Look l don't know who the hell do you think you are trying to keep my child
From me, if you don't leave her here
I will have your fired for keeping Kennedy. Do l make my self clear
Lena States, she finally gets the message and leaves Kennedy with me
Something about her is beginning to rub me the wrong way. She exits my room, l take Kennedy out the bassinet
Hi baby how's mommy's girl as l hold her in my arms. She yawns l kiss her on her forehead, somebody's had a bath. She starts sucking on fingers
Aww, you hungry sweet girl.
Lena unfastens her shirt and nurse
Kennedy, she latches on My the nipple
And starts eating. Somebody comes
Through the door, what did l just tell you a few minutes ago Lena says
Baby it's me is everything alright
Stef replies. She comes in and puts the bags down, sorry babe that darn nurse. Had the nerve to tell me
She didn't think it was appropriate for
Kennedy to stay in here tonight, cause she took her so long coming back. they could run some new born testing on Kennedy. So I gave that woman a piece of my mind, Lena Stated
Stef couldn't believe what she was hearing. Baby l'm glad you stood your ground, don't worry it will all be over tomorrow. I brought something to eat
Cause I know your probably starving

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