Chapter Nine

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(*At the Neverland Valley ranch...*)

(*Loud sounds and flashes of lights and magic sparkles can be seen all around Neverland*)

Michael: *is hiding underneath the kitchen table* AAAHH! Please make it stop!

(*Paris Jackson giggles as she waves her pink magic wand around in the air and makes an indoor thunderstorm*)

Blanket: *giggles*

Prince: *giggles*

Me: *walks in through the front door* Holy moly! What happened here? 😱

Michael: Someone gave my children magic wands and now they're going bananas! 😣

Me: Children! Please stop making magic! You don't know what—

Blanket: *waves his green magic wand and turns me into a snail*

Michael: Blanket Jackson! Turn my friend Emily back to normal at once! 😧

Blanket: *turns Michael Jackson into a slug* *giggles*

Prince: *waves his magic wand and turns Michael into a worm*

Michael: Okay, that's it! No more going on the rides! 😤

Blanket: *frowns and starts crying* 😰

Michael: Ahhp! I don't want to hear it. *grabs Blanket's magic wand and turns himself back to normal*

Me: *takes Blanket's magic wand from Michael and then turns myself back to normal*

Michael: *takes away Paris and Prince's magic wand** You listen to me right now. All three of you are in a lot of trouble. You should never EVER take things from strangers, am I understood?

(*All three of Michael's children nod their heads, feeling ashamed for what they had done, and then Michael tells them to go to their rooms and stay there until lunchtime*)

(*After the children left...*)

Michael: *is sitting with me on the couch in the library* Was I too hard on them? I didn't mean to raise my voice like that.

Me: Michael, they have to understand that what they did was bad. It's a parent's job to teach their sons and daughters right from wrong.

Michael: You're right.

Me: But how do you think they got ahold of the magic wands?

Michael: Well, my bodyguards asked the toy store to let them see the security footage and from what they told me, I think some random person snuck over and gave the magic wands to my children. I'll have to ask Bill to keep a closer eye the next time we're out in public.

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