Chapter Twenty-Six

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(*The host has been planning something special for Vinnie Vincent*)

Me: *walks into the spare building after going out to run some errands* HEY GUYS! 😃

All nine of the Kiss guys: Hi Emily!

Vixen91: You sure do look happy, what's the occasion?

Suzy: Yeah! Please tell us!

Me: *laughs, but shakes my head no* Believe me, when the time comes, you will know. In fact, can all of y'all do me a huge favor?

Paul: Sure thing, darling. 🙂

Me: I need you guys to distract Vinnie and keep him busy for a while until 4:00 p.m! Okay, bye! *teleports to the Egyptian bedroom in a hot pink aurora*

Ace: I wonder what's going on, curly.

Peter: Who knows?

(*Fast forward to 4:00 p.m when everyone is dressed up formally and they're riding in the limo to the park*)

Me: *is making some last minute touches* Okay, everything is all done. And here comes the birthday boy!

(*The limo pulls into the parking lot that leads to the park*)

Me: *quickly rushes over with a blindfold* Vinnie! You need to wear this around your eyes for a few seconds.

Vinnie: *is confused* But then, I won't be able to see anything.

Me: *giggles* Just do it! You'll understand when you see it.

Gene: See what?

Me: *sees that Vinnie has tied the blindfold on his head* Don't worry! I'll help you walk so you don't bump into things!

(*The host grabs onto Vinnie's hand and helps him walk to the gazebo, and when everyone gets there, some people who are very familiar to the Ankh Warrior are happily waiting for him*)

Me: Okay everybody! When I count backwards from three, I'll untie the blindfold.

Vinnie: Okay...

Me:! *unties the blindfold from Vinnie's head*

Vinnie's family: SURPRISE!

Vinnie: Oh my god!

(*All the Kiss guys, *including Vixen91, Suzy, KellerSinger18, and Eli) are met with Vinnie Vincent's family who had came here from his hometown, Bridgeport, Connecticut to celebrate Vinnie's birthday*)

Me: Happy birthday Vinnie! *gives Vinnie a hug and even a kiss in front of everyone*

Vinnie's family: Awww!

Suzy: Wow!

Eli: Did you plan this all in one day, Emily?

Me: Yep! I contacted a few of friends of his who knew Vinnie's family for a long time to and I asked them if they come all the way here to celebrate his birthday.

Eric Carr: Yo Vin! You okay?!

(*Vinnie is speechless at first, but then he feels so happy that he pulls Emily into a passionate kiss while he hugged her*)

Vinnie: Oh, babe. How can I ever thank you for planning this party for my birthday? I love you so fucking much! *kisses me on the lips again*

KellerSinger18: Awww, that so sweet! Isn't it, babe?

Eric Singer: *smiles as he puts his arm around your shoulder* Yes it is, my pretty kitten.

(*And so, everyone had a blast at Vinnie's birthday party*)

(*Vinnie's family were all very kind to Emily and they loved seeing how happy that I've made Vinnie feel*)

(*The party lasted until almost 3am and everyone was exhausted by the time we all arrived back to the spare building*)

(*3:00 am*)

Vinnie: *carries me bridal style upstairs to the Egyptian bedroom*)

Me: *giggles* Aww! Vinnnnnie!

(*Vinnie locks the bedroom door behind him and then looks at me with a playful pout*)

Vinnie: Don't I get a present from you?

Me: *giggles* Aww. Of course you do Vinnie. *grins sexily, untied the strap on my dress and lets it fall to the floor, revealing my bra and lace panties*

Vinnie: *feels himself getting turned on* Aww, is this it? *starts fingering me*

Me: *throws off his shirt and then his leather pants* Mhmmm...Ohh Vinnnie.

Vinnie: *unclips the strap on my bra, letting it fall down my shoulders* Mmm...

Me: *rips off my lace panties and throws them to the side* *pushes Vinnie to the bed and kisses him passionately on the lips*

Vinnie: *moans, and then quickly removes his pants and boxers*) Mmm...🤤

(*Vinnie Vincent and his girlfriend Emily make sweet love to each other and they didn't stop until the sun came up*)


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