Chapter Seventeen

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(*The Kiss party aftermath...*)

Me: *falls asleep on the floor, exhausted from the party* 😴

(*Vinnie Vincent picks me up and carries me to the Egyptian bedroom. He then undresses me and lies me down on the bed, and then undresses himself, and then gets into bed, falling asleep afterwards*)

(*Two hours later...*)

(*It is 7:00 a.m*)

Me: *is sleeping next to Vinnie in the Egyptian bedroom*

Vinnie: *whispers with a lovesick smile* sexy babe. *wraps his arms around my waist area, kissing the side of my neck lovingly*

Me: *moans in my sleep* Mmm-mmm. 😊

(*Out of nowhere, something furry with a pointy nose, tiny paws, and big brown eyes jumped up onto the bed where Vinnie and Emily lay fast asleep*)

(*The Fox began to dig his way underneath the blankets, waking up Vinnie in the process*)

Vinnie: *opens his eyes* Eric...what are you doing out of bed? It's too early in the morning.

Eric Carr: *yips* (I'm bored! Play with me!) *pulls the blankets off of Emily*

Me: *covers my bare breasts with my arms* Eric, get your bushy fox ass back to bed this instant or I will discipline you with my water gun like I used to do to the Catmen when they misbehaved.

(*The Fox pulls Vinnie's blanket off of him and the Ankh Warrior quickly grabs his bathrobe to cover his naked body*)

Eric Carr: *yips* (Never!) (I want you and Vinnie to PLAY WITH ME!)

(*Vinnie reaches out to grab his golden royal scepter that has a ankh symbol, but the Fox steals it and rushes out the front door to bury it in the ground*)

Vinnie: *is cursing in hieroglyphics* He better not be doing what I think he is doing. 😤

Me: *yawns and then puts on my bathrobe, following Vinnie out of the Egyptian bedroom*

Eric Carr: *yips*

(*The fox digs a hole in the ground and just as he was about to bury Vinnie's royal ankh scepter, Suzy and Emily caught him just in time*)

Suzy: *whispers so that the other KISS guys wouldn't wake up* PAUL CHARLES CARAVELLO! You better give Vinnie his royal scepter back or there will be no treats for week!

(*The host yawns and lies my head down on Vinnie's shoulder while we're waiting for Suzy to get Vinnie's kissterian ankh scepter back from that silly fox*)

Vinnie: 🥱 Mmm...are you still sleepy, babe?

Me: *smiles sleepily* Yeah...

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