Chapter Eleven

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Me: *rushes into the room where Suzy and Vixen91 are hanging out in the bedroom of Peter and Eli* Hey guys! I've got an awesome idea for a prank!

Suzy: Sweet! What's the dare?

Eli: Shh! *whispers* We don't want the guys to hear us.

Suzy: *whispers* Whoopsie daisy, sorry Eli! *watches Eli turn into her animal form*

Eli: *meows and then purrs when Suzy gently pets her*

Me: Anyway, since our boyfriends are out for the night visiting their families, I thought we could do another loud music wakeup prank on the rest of the Kiss guys.

Vixen91: *giggles* That's a good idea Emily.

Suzy: *throws a ball of green and black yarn and Eli goes after it* Cool! So, when are we going to do the dare?

Me: *grins and then whispers mischievously* At midnight...😈

(*Two hours later...*)

(*Paul, Gene, Mark St. John, Ace Frehley, and Bruce Kulick are all getting ready to go to bed for they were tired*)

Paul: *yawns* Goodnight y'all.

Gene, Bruce, Ace, and Mark: Goodnight Paul.

(*Meanwhile, with Emily and the girls...*)

(*The host has already placed a Bluetooth speaker by hiding it in each of Paul's, Gene's, Bruce's, Ace, and Mark's bedrooms*)

Me: *whispers* You girls ready?

Suzy: *whispers* Yep!

Eli: We've already got our cameras ready to record everything.

Vixen91: *giggles and whisper* Let's do this...

(*Emily presses "play" for the first loud noise, turning up the volume*)

Gene: *wakes up with a startle* What the hell?

Ace: Huh? Who's playing Christmas songs?

Bruce: *groans and puts his pillow over his head*

Mark St. John: *gets up and goes to Paul's room* Paul, are you playing Jingle Bell Rock at midnight?

Paul: No, I don't even have a speaker in my room.

(*Both Paul Stanley and Mark St. John look around for the source of the noise, but after a while, they couldn't find anything so they gave up*)

Mark St John: We'll deal with it tomorrow. *yawns* Goodnight, Paul. *leaves Paul's room and goes back to his bedroom and falls asleep in bed*

Me: *whispers with a giggle* That was so funny...

Eli: *giggles quietly*

Suzy: *giggles while whispering* You said it, Emily.

Vixen91: *whispers and giggles* What's next?

(*Emily presses "play" for the second loud noise, turning up the volume extra EXTRA LOUD*)



Ace: Ack! Make it stop! 😖

Bruce: Too loud! 😖

Me: *whispers as I feel turned on while listening to the sound of Vinnie playing his guitar* Ohhh...fucck...Vinnie...ride me ride me! *touches my crotch and feels around my womanhood, which was wet*

Vixen91: *whispers* I think Emily is feeling orgasmic...

Suzy: *whispers* Let's take her to the Egyptian bedroom and when Vinnie gets back, we'll be sure to tell him all about it. 😉

Eli: *whispers and then giggles*

Me: 🤤

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