Chapter Sixteen

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Me: We're going to a party! It's Friday night baby!

All nine of the Kiss guys: Alright!

Me: Let's go! It's at the same place where the Fox and his vixen had their wedding ceremony.

Suzy: Aww!

Eric Carr: Eric is very happy to go to this lovely party.

(*At the party...*)

Paul: *is walking with Rachel, AKA Raedroid* Wow! The party is Kiss themed!

Ace: Awesome!

Peter: Cool!

*Both Peter and Ace give each other high-fives*

Me: I've got the songs picked out! Let's start with Eric and Suzy! To the dance floor you two!

Suzy: *grabs onto Eric Carr's hand and leads him the dance floor*

Eric Carr: *chuckles* Alright, my vixen! I'm coming.

(*Eric Carr and Suzy's song*)

Me: *is crying happy tears* This is so beautiful.

Vinnie: *wipes away tears of joy from his face* Yes it is. *snuggles closer to me*

Me: *snuggles closer to Vinnie*

Paul: *kisses Rachael on the lips*

Rachael: *blushes* Aw! You're so sweet. *kisses Paul back on the lips*

(*After Suzy and Eric Carr's are done waltzing...*)

Ace: That was so beautiful! *wipes his tears away*

Peter: Yeah, it sure was. *also wipes his tears away*

Me: Next up is me and Vinnie!

Vinnie: *smiles* Okay...

Vixen91: Aww!

Me: *blushes and follows Vinnie to the dance floor and we start waltzing in a slow, romantic pace*)

(*Emily and Vinnie's song*)

Suzy: *is crying tears of joy* She's...oh my god.

Eric Carr: They're so happy together.

(*At the end of Vinnie and Emily's song...*)

Vinnie: *kisses me on the lips*

Me: *reaches up and wraps my arms around Vinnie's neck, pulling him closer and then kisses him passionately, with tears of joy in my eyes* I love you so much Vinnie.

Vinnie: I love you too, babe. *kisses me on the forehead*

All the other Kiss guys: Awww!

Vixen91: Next up is me and Tommy.

Tommy: *smiles as he follows Vixen91 to the dance floor*

(*Tommy and Vixen91's song*)

Gene: *secretly wipes a tear of joy from the corner of his eye* 🙂

Peter: You okay Gene?!

Ace: Aww, look guys! Gene's a big softie.

Gene: Big deal. We already know that Ace.

Me: *giggles* Ace, don't be silly.

(*After Vixen91 and Tommy were done waltzing...*)

Paul: *claps his hands and walks over to the second spaceman and gives him a hug*

Tommy: *hugs Paul back* Thank you Paul. Thank you everyone.

Me: Now, it's Eli and Peter's turn and then we'll have Rachel and the Starchild out on the dance floor!

Eli: Come on Petey-Bear! Let's go!

Peter: *chuckles* Okay, Eli kitten. I'm coming. You three behave yourself.

Kara: Yes daddy.

Kovu: Yes dad.

Kovu: *meows* (Yes daddy!)

(*Eli and Peter's song*)

Me: Aww! Peter's blushing!

Ace: *whistles at Peter to cheer him on* Ole' Pete is lovesick for his pretty kitten.

Peter: *blushes some more, and then chuckles*

Eli: *purrs happily and nuzzles Peter's cheek*

(*After Eli and Peter are done waltzing...*)

Me:'s time for Rachel to dance to dance with Paul Stanley.

Paul: *smiles like a gentleman and walks over to Rachel* May I have this dance?

Rachel: *giggles while blushing* Yes, you may, my handsome Starchild.

Paul: *takes Rachel's hand and leads her to the dance floor*

(*Rachel and Paul's song*)

Me: *whispers* Aww! So sweet.

Vinnie: *holds my hand and kisses it* Yes it is.

Me: *giggles and holds Vinnie's hand*

Gene: I'm glad he's found the perfect woman.

(*After Rachel and Paul are done waltzing...*)

(*Everyone else whoops for joy as they claps their hands in applause*)

Me: Now, that's what I call a PARRRRRRTYYYY! 😆

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