Chapter Twenty-Five

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(*The next day, the host and all the Kiss guys filed a police report to the state about the death of Emily's dad. The police were baffled by what had happened and despite countless attempts to solve the mystery of the crime, no one could figure out it out*)

(*So, after the coroner's office signed off, the FBI returned the corpse of Emily's dad to her family so a funeral and a burial could take place*)

(*After all that, Emily, Vixen91, Eli, Suzy, KellerSinger18, and the nine Kiss guys all rode in the limo to make the hour-long journey back to the spare building*)

Paul: Emily, we're all very sorry about all the bad stuff that happened between you and your dad.

Ace: Yeah, we just never expected this to happen, y'know?

(*The host is still a little bit emotional over everything*)

(*But other than that, she hopes that the rest of her family can get to know Vinnie more*)

Eric Carr: *yips and gives me a sad look, and then climbs up into my lap*

Me: *smiles and wipes a few tears away from my eyes with a tissue* Guys, I love my family very much. I really do, but my dad wasn't handling the situation between me and my relationship with Vinnie.

Vinnie: *smiles and holds my hand, kissing it*

Suzy: So, what made you think about running away?

Me: *looks up, and lets out a sigh, as this was a hard topic to discuss* When my dad found out I was dating Vinnie, he flipped out on me and said he that I wasn't dating Vinnie. We started arguing almost every single day for a week. Until one night, I decided that enough was enough.

Me: *smiles* I told Vinnie about what was going on, and that if he could come and get me, then I would be free from this hell hole.

Eric Singer: Um...I don't mean to interrupt, but can I ask you a quick question?

Me: *smiles* Yeah, go ahead Catman #2.

Eric Singer: Is your dad...abusive?

Me: *almost spits out my drink in shock* What? No, no, no. Of course not. My dad was a loving parent towards me and my younger sister. He may be a big guy, but that's part of how muscular he is.

Eric Singer: Oh, okay. I was just curious.

Me: No, you're fine. I think I understand why you would ask that.

Paul: Hey! Looks like we're almost there!

Me: *looks out the window and sees that the limo is pulling into the driveway of the spare building* Do you guys want me tell you the rest of the story?

Vinnie: If you want to...

Gene: But you don't have to if you don't want to.

Tommy: *smiles as he and Vixen91 hold hands together while walking to the spare building* Yeah, we're just glad that everything is back to normal.

Me: *blushes* Aww! You guys are so sweet. 😇

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