Chapter Twenty

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Me: This is a disaster! I don't even know how to read ancient Egyptian writing!

Vinnie: *is sniffing Michael's hand curiously*

Michael: *smiles* I'm sure one of us can figure it out. *pets Vinnie gently*

Suzy: Maybe Paul can translate it through the eye.

Paul: *barks* (I'll try my best!)

(*Paul Stanley the poodle walks over to the Egyptian artifact and sniffs it, and then the black star on his necklace began to glow a purple color*)

Me: What?

(*The Egyptian artifact has some hieroglyphics on the side and after a few minutes, Paul was able to translate it*)

KellerSinger18: What does it say, Paulie?

Paul: *barks and then picks up a pen in his mouth and writes it down on a piece of paper*

Me: Oh my god! Paul actually did it!

Paul: *barks* (It was my pleasure, darling!) *licks my face*

Vinnie: *runs towards me and stands front of Paul, growling* (Back off!) (She's MINE!)

Paul: *whimpers while backing away from Vinnie* (Sorry Ankh!)

Suzy: So, what are we waiting for? Let's turn everyone back to normal!

Eric Carr: *reads what it says on the piece of paper, and rubs the emerald gem with his pointy fox nose*

(*There was a flash of golden light and then when it disappeared, the rest of the Kiss were standing there in their bathrobes*)

Paul: Huh?

Ace: Um...what just happened?

Gene: *smells some kind of odor* Oh, for the love of Christine Sixteen! I smell like a wet dog!

Bruce: So do I.

Me: VINNNNNNIEEE! *runs over to Vinnie and pounces on him, hugging and kissing him all over his face*

Vinnie: Aww! I missed you too, darling.

Me: *is crying tears of joy* I was SO worried about you!

Vinnie: *holds me closer to his chest* There there, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere. 😘

Peter: You guys got turned into dogs.

Paul: WHAT?! 😧

Gene: WHAT?! 😧

Ace: *cackles* No way! 😂

Suzy: It's true. This little mischievous stinker of a fox messed with one of Vinnie's Egyptian artifacts and it turned you guys into dogs.

Vinnie: Eric...😑 Why in the name of Anubis did you do that?

Me: We told you not to touch anything that was in OUR bedroom.

Eric Carr: Heh heh...😅 me. 😶

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