Chapter 16

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The ride home was long and quite. You were sat next to Tommy in his car, while he kept his eyes on the road. It wasn't because it was a painful quite but it was the both of you thinking long and hard about your next move. Tommy's facial expression changed every few moments as you could see every stone be turned over in his mind. Your next move could very well be your last, in a good way. There weren't many of Mick Kings people left and there currently weren't a lot of places left for him to go, if he stubbornly stayed in Manchester.

Somehow the news must have gotten to Polly or she must have seen Tommy leave in the car earlier in the night, because she was standing outside in the dim morning light with a long fur jacket tucked firmly around her. She shifted from foot to foot as you approached and she was next to the car in an instant when Tommy parked it.

"How did it go?" She looked from Tommy to you.

"King is still alive" You said calmly and you could hear Tommy breath in heavily. He didn't like the outcome of the night, but you had to go back as soon as possible to finish what you started. With or without Tommy. You were sure that many of the men would follow you again, because everyone knew how weak King was by now.

"What are you going to do now?" this was Polly asked you directly and you felt proud about how much she trusted you, almost as a part of the family.

"We will immediately gather as many men as possible and go back. We will infiltrate the city and find the bastard and get rid of him once and for all." Tommy was fast to reply and he was about to walk hastily past Polly and into the house, but he stopped for a beat and reach out his hand for you to take, and took you with him inside the betting shop.

The first workers were starting to slowly arrive at the office as you both disappeared upstairs to your room. You didn't understand why you weren't going to Tommy's office to start on the plan, but you followed along to see what he would do. He let you inside and closed the door. He sat down on the side of the bed and breathed in heavily and let out the air like it was the first breath he was taking in a long time. He was still holding on to your hand when he slumped down a little, lowering his shoulders that you first then noticed where extremely tense. He looked like a wreck, you suddenly realized. He gave you a once over while he furrowed is brows.

"Tommy... Are you okay? What are we doing up here?" You asked him quietly while he gestured you to turn around.

"You are too much like me and I don't think I like it." That was not what you expected to hear from him but you did as he wanted and turned around for him. You let go of his hand and you could feel him letting his fingers trace along your hips and your lower backs curves.

"What do you mean?"

"Are you hurt anywhere? If you are as much like me as it seems, you will be hiding it right now." You stopped turning and faced Tommy again. You caressed his cheek and he leaned into your touch and kissed the inside of your palm.

"Tommy I'm fine. They didn't catch me. I was the one who did the damage."

"See, you ARE like me, huh?" He said under a laugh and sighed heavily. Now he was finally smiling and somehow relaxed by your touch.

"Tommy we need to get back downstairs. We need to gather people and get back to Manchester." You let your hand run thought his hair and smooth it down.

"I'll admit it is thrilling to see you at work but I am looking forward for this to be over." He said finally getting up from the bed, grapping your hand on the way out.


The whole family had gathered downstairs while you were taking a minute in the bedroom. That included a very angry Ada. She wasn't happy with the way that you had suddenly gone into battle without telling her first. When she was done shouting at you and had hugged you till you gasped for life, Tommy looked around at everyone like he was sizing them up; figuring out if they were ready for the final blow.

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