Chapter 11

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You hated hospitals. The smell of antiseptic and the sterile white and cream colours everywhere only made you newly regained memory so much more unbearable. The fact that you were here for Tommy was the only reason you hadn't run away. It was all so surreal. You had actually killed those men who shot him and you tried to figure out how you felt about it, but at that moment you still felt nothing. You didn't feel bad or feel sorry for them. It was exactly the same you had done to those men that had held you captured years back.

It was like your brain had been reset and everyone had told you that you were an innocent little girl who was kidnapped and raped until you were ruined. You were told how the police found you and brought you to safety but you remember now how you clawed your way through the men when you snapped. Used their own weapons against them. There was only so many times a woman could let herself be violated before she took care of those who did it. You remember how you saw red and everything just happened in a blur. Exactly like when those men shot Tommy. How many men were in that room back then? How many lives did you take? And why didn't you feel anything towards them? Who were you?

The Langstons must have known who you were and what you did. That might have been why they seemed kind of afraid of you and didn't really try to connect with you in any way. But did they tell Polly when she took you in? Mrs. Langston spoke with her. Of course she knew. You thought back to the first time you met Polly and what she said to Tommy when he found out you were hired.

I'm sure Y/n will be very useful for us in the future.

"Miss, we'll need you to leave. You are not on any of the lists of family members." A nurse waved a clipping board in front of you and succeeded in getting you out of your head. You looked up at her. She looked around your age and she did look a little nervous as John and Arthur looked at her from the other side of the room. None of them had said anything to you since you got to the hospital. They staff had tried to kick you out since you came. It wasn't like it was visiting hour at that point. John and Arthur weren't supposed to be there either. But you guessed that the staff was more afraid of them because they checked in as the Shelbys or it was because they were actually family and you were not. You just couldn't imagine being anywhere else when Tommy was at the hospital. You did your best to ignore the nurse and stayed in your seat.

"Miss. You need to leave, you..." You stood up in a beat and the poor nurse flinched. Couldn't she just let you stay? Maybe your name wasn't Shelby, but you came along with the brothers after all. John and Arthur didn't say anything to the nurse to help you though. Did they want her to kick you out? Did they dislike you after what you did? You couldn't possible think they were god's best children themselves, so why would they care if you beat those guys? You were sure they had done the same a lot of times before.

You started pacing back and forward as the two brothers looked at you and the nurse looked around, maybe to see if anyone could help her get you out. In the next moment a doctor, you recognised from when you got to the hospital and Tommy was carried away, walked towards you and finally John and Arthur reacted to something.

"He is stabilized. Family may see him, but he's very sleeping. He's doing his to stay awake though. He's very stubborn." The doctor chuckled but he stopped as soon he looked at the brothers. They both stared him down with a sour face and it was like he visibly shrank half a meter. You looked after them as they followed the doctor to Tommy's room and you were left alone in the waiting room.

It didn't take more than 10 minutes before the doctor walked back into the waiting room. You were wondering why Arthur and John wasn't with him so you stood up. He approached you and you saw how his glasses were crocked on his face and his coat was very wrinkled around the collar.

"M-miss? Mr. Shelby wants to see you." You walked up to him as fast as possible and you were sure you saw him flinch when you stopped. So, which one of the 'Mr. Shelbys' had threatened him? You gestured for him to lead the way and you were led down a long hallway with many rooms full of patients. Nurses walked back and forward and eyed you as you went down and stood in front of a door.

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