Chapter 3

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It is weird how fast you can get into a routine. Yes, it did take some time for you to relax in the office because of all the new people that wanted to introduce themselves or wanted to have a conversation. But either Lizzie or Polly usually saved you before the anxiety could pull you down in one of your black holes. It wasn't without trouble and lots of people called you crazy and talked about getting you to the mental house rather than getting you a job. It was harsh but eventually they just gave up and didn't speak to you. You got there every morning, did your job without asking any questions and went home again. A few times a week you went grocery shopping with Lizzie. Eventually she went with you to find some things to decorate your very empty apartment. It wasn't much but the few candlesticks, books and wooden figures carved by a street merchant really made it all much cozier.

Like everyone else, Tommy Shelby ignored you. He walked past your desk a dozen times every day but didn't say a word. Most of the time no one else said a word to him either, but it was more out of respect than them thinking he was mental – like you. It continued like that for a while until one day when you were starting to get ready to go home a while after Lizzie had left. You stood up and grabbed your bag next to your desk when a man stepped into the room. With a gun in one hand and his other clutching his side with blood gushing out between his fingers. You stood there staring at the man and didn't know what to do.

"Where is Shelby?" The man murmured. He walked further into the room with a limp. His voice sounded like he was weak. He didn't look like the type of man who would fight though. His clothing was very respectable. Very high class and his hair was need and the beard closely shaved. You stepped back. Further into the room you noticed - not very smart if you wanted to escape out of the door.

"Where is he?" The man shouted this time and you flinched but tried your best not to just throw yourself down behind Lizzie's desk. Luckily for you the door behind you opened up slowly and Tommy stepped out with a cigarette in one hand and the other resting in the pocket of his trousers. He took a long pull on his smoke while staring at the man like he had no care in the world.

"You." Said the man simply and started to stagger forward to the two of you. Tommy stepped up next to you and with a swift movement he had grabbed you by the waist and placed you behind him. You were in shock by his action. Too many thoughts were going through your head to actually concentrate about what was happening in front of you with the two men. Tommy was protection you and put himself between you and the man with a bloody gun pulled out. But what shocked you the most was that you didn't react to his touch. You had reacted every time anyone had touched you since that day. But without any reason you felt safe around Tommy, or rather behind him.

"You have no reason to be here." Tommy said coldly to the man. The man sneered and stepped further towards you and raised his gun, directing to towards Tommy's abdomen. You wanted to run away but as long as Tommy was calm, you felt that you could be too. Right?

"No reason? Your fucking lads took a shot at me! You got nerves to interfere with ma' business here." The man spat at you but as he took yet another step forward you could see his knees buckle. He was almost out.

"You have no business here. Birmingham belongs to the Peaky Blinders." The what? What are these people involved with? This cannot be about limited companies. Could it? Your father had done business and with you watching from the sideline most of the time. You never saw someone point a gun at your father.

"Well then let's say that I'm here with a greeting from Mick King." The man smiled and let his tongue run over his nasty yellowing teeth before he lifted his gun to take better aim. But with an ear-piercing bang the man's eyes widened. You hadn't seen that someone else had entered the room behind the man but someone had shot him and the blood was filling his mouth. You would forever remember how his eyes rolled back into his skull and I fell backward so hard that the desks around you moved. Tommy was the first one to move. He crutched down to examine the now dead man and you saw Arthur in the door, brushing his hair back with a steady hand. He just killed the man. He bloody shot him! And here you were, not moving away from the murderers. They were your employees. Your employees were murderers. But in a strange way this felt familiar to you. You were shocked that you weren't scared or grossed out. Most people might have ran away or thrown up by the sight. But you... You couldn't look away.

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