Chapter 2

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"Absolutely not, Polly!" The man, Tommy, didn't raise his voice. That was almost the most scary about him. He didn't yell even though he was in an argument. He just sounded so... harsh. Without even trying very hard it seamed.

"I have had a talk with Lizzie and she could really use the help. I'm sure y/n will be a great addition to our company. Her and Michael can help her settle in and distribute the tasks." Polly said to your defense. She was standing next to you and you saw out of the corner of your eye, that she was about to lay a hand on your shoulder, but thought the better of it and lowered her hand again. In front of you sat Tommy. He was the head of the company and had your destiny in his hands. Mrs. Langston had left without saying goodbye. After your talk alone with Polly she had asked you to stay in her office as she went to talk with Mrs. Langston. You didn't know what was said between them, but your one small trunk you took with you stood against the wall in Tommy's office. They must have taking it from the car before Mrs. Langston left.

"What good could come out of a woman that isn't even able to talk? Let alone unable to work? As i understand, miss y/n here is from higher class in y/country. She might have never worked a day in her life. Perhaps never had to." Tommy said and fixed his eyes on you again. It was like you stopped breathing every time he looked at you. You were already unable to speak for yourself but you felt completely helpless whenever those icy blue eyes landed on you. Unable to do anything.

"I'm sure she will prove you wrong. She has many more skills than you have heard of. Mrs. Langston told me a great deal about y/n. She will not disappoint." Polly said with a tight smile. What had Mrs. Langston really said? You had known the woman for a long time. Ever since you were small. Mrs. Langston knew how adventurous you were and you were never afraid of getting dirty. You played with every kid that crossed your way, no matter what kind of family they came form and your father let you. He always said that it was healthy to meet all kind of people. It was a way to understand the world around you. That's why you had traveled around the world with him from the start. Kids don't need a language to be able to play with each other. Fun and laugher were international language. That also made you fearless back then, but the last years had been so empty and sad that you didn't know where your previous self was hiding away. A few years ago you wouldn't have let a man like Tommy Shelby intimidate you.

After a long while of being stared down by Tommy that sad with his hands folded in front of him he sighed and leaned against the desk.

"Fine. We can let her try for a few weeks but she's under you, Pol, not me. I don't have time for this." He stood up and left the room so quickly that you almost jumped by the sudden movement of him.

"He will come around. I'm sure you will prove useful. You are your father's daughter." Polly said and gestured for you to follow her. Your father's daughter? She knew your father?


You were sat in your new home. Home? You looked around in the sparsely furnished bedroom. Only with a bed, one bedside table and a small dresser with clear wear marks in the white painting was in the small room. Not that there were any room for more, but it was so small and sad looking. You were at least use to decorated walls and huge mirrors. The rest of the apartment considered of a smaller washroom with a rusty washbasin, a living room with a surprisingly comfortable couch but nothing more and a kitchen.

Polly had showed you there and her son, Michael, walked behind you with your trunk. You could have easily got it yourself but Polly insisted. She showed you around with a frown on her face and promised to later help you decorate a little. You didn't know what to think. It was a foreign place to you so you didn't have any opinion about how the place looked. You checked the windows to see if there was any easy access to break in and made sure they were all locked. You checked the front door more than once and looked through the peephole every time you heard a sound from the corridor.

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