Chapter 17

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6 months later

You hated when another man had to touch you. It was something you would never get used to. Not that it was a huge problem anymore as you were with Tommy and most men didn't even dare to look in your direction, when you were walking into a restaurant or just down the street. Tommy was crawling his way up the ranks of society, only wishing the best for his family – and that soon included you.

"Everything looks fine miss y/l/n. I don't think there is anything to worry about. I don't see any alarming damage to the curvix. I don't know if we could get any further clarification, but we could send for an x-ray system from Oxford? It might take some weeks for it to be available and get here. It's not free either." Doctor Harold that had been speaking to you form under a white linen that was covering your legs, finally lifted his head and you could relax your shoulders again. Harold was one of the best and few gynaecologists in London. It was still quite taboo to talk about the female parts of the body, so it had been a long and hard search for someone that was both professional, proud of their job and could be trusted. You had only ever been looked at by a regular family doctor after the incident, so getting a more professional perspective on how damaged your body might actually be, was very much needed.

"If there is nothing wrong, why haven't I conceived yet?" You asked, as you finally sat up and closed your legs. The doctor politely looked the other way and was already cleaning some of his many weird looking instruments.

"I can't say for curtain. It is just harder for some women to conceive and it will only get harder with time, I'm afraid. My only suggestion is to keep trying." He gave you a quick smile and went back to polishing the equipment. You couldn't help but blush as you weren't use to discuss your intimate life with anyone.

"It's not that we are actively trying. It's just for the future." You tried to explain yourself and brushed even harder.

"Miss, enjoy yourself while you can. It will get a lot harder to get any time alone when the babies arrive, trust me." The fact that Dr Harold shared his own experiences baffled you at first, but it also made you even more relaxed in his company. He was not like many other men. You giggled at his comment.

"But do you really think it would be possible for me? For us?"

"Yes, it might be possible." You smiled at his answer and hugged the linen a little closer.

"And now I will fetch Mr Shelby from the waiting room. I'm sure he's only a minute or two away from ramming the door. You can get dressed while I'm away." Dr Harold winked at you and left the room to find your fiancée. You quickly found undergarments and stockings and just got to pull them on before Tommy entered the room with the doctor behind him.

"Was it okay?" He asked concerned. He liked the thought of another man touching you as little as you did. You stepped into your shoes before walking up to Tommy and placed a hand on his cheat to calm him.

"It was perfectly fine. Nothing hurt, just a little uncomfortable with the very cold equipment." You said with a laugh. He calmed by your words and put an arm around you.

"So doctor, what is the verdict?" He said in his business tone of voice, but Dr Harold wasn't one to be scared so easily, even though he looked into your fiancées icy blue eyes.

"I say that you should keep trying. I see no hindrances but as I suggested to miss y/n we could let Oxford know that we want to burrow an x-ray system. It might be the only testing I haven't done on your soon to be wife."

"Arrange that." Tommy simply said.

"Tommy! You haven't heard the price yet." You protested.

"It doesn't matter. Even if it can't show us if you can bear a child or not, it might give some peace to know that the bastards didn't break you in any way." You were glad that you could speak freely about that matter with the doctor too. It wasn't like people didn't know what happened to you, as it was a big and public case back when it happened, but so much had happened since. It was almost like a lifetime had passed and you were not the scared young girl anymore.

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