Chapter 8

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It is strange how fast something becomes a habit. It didn't take long for you to figure out a way for you to be snuck into Tommy's bed room every night. As he said you let Ada or Lizzie follow you home. You just never knew when Tommy would come pick you up. Sometimes it could be close to midnight before he came and then it would often be in the family's car.

The days when he was in the office at the time you got off, he made sure to bid his good bye to you and mumbled a 'see you soon'. Ada was started to catch on and gave you a side eye when you smiled and nodded back to him. On those days you barely had time to finish eating before he was knocking on your door. It was also the best times for you two to talk. Or at least, for him to talk. He had adapted a habit of telling you about his time before the war. How him and his siblings fought and made up. It was interesting to you, as you grew up without any siblings. Such a strong connection to someone your own age must have been delightful. You figured out how strong a friendship you had as noon of your previous so called friends visited you after you moved in with the Langstons.

Tommy often let you lay closer on those days too. You had found comfort in the warmth of him in the night which was a big step for you that still despised human contact. He would take your hand like you had grown used to and lay it on his chest. The first time you almost stopped breathing until he explained.

"One tap for yes and two taps for no." He then proceeded to ask you questions about your past and history. It took a long time and lots of questions sometimes for some stories to be told but you quite enjoyed yourself taping away on his bare chest.

It also gave you an excuse to put your head on his shoulder, right next to his tattoo. The story he told about it made you so much more comfortable around him and made you relate to him a bit more, even though you hadn't been to war, you had had a war of your own. Both of you were still in each your wars in your head and the fact that you could escape that for a while by lying there close to each other, talking. It made it all that much easier to deal with.

After a while Tommy started to bring paper and pens to the bed room.

"It is easier that way, than me guessing all the details." He said with a smile. You were afraid that it might be the end of you two snuggling – because who were you kidding, it was snuggling – but when he gave the paper to you he patted the spot next to him in the bed and you sat there shoulder to shoulder. As the evening went on you slowly fell more and more into him as you wrote with a book as a writing surface, his arm slowly finding its way around you.

You talked about everything else but work. It was like an unspoken rule and you learned so much about each other in the process. You didn't know anyone you had ever shared so much random information about yourself and your travels with your father around Europe. You had never had anything missing in your childhood except your mother, but your father had giving you everything and showed you as much as possible of the world while he was working. For Tommy it was the opposite. Not that he was poor growing up, but they always only had the necessaries. His father wasn't much there and he grew up with a depressed mother, his aunt Polly and a man called Charlie he also called his uncle. They got taken care of and took care of each other. That might be why they all seemed to work so well together.

At the end of other evenings with a lot of notes and talking, Tommy would gather all the notes you had written and threw them into the fireplace. You had looked at him wondering what on earth he was doing.

"Just making sure that our conversations is still private. Other people don't need to know what you are sharing with me." He explained as he would walk back to bed and dragged you in close to him before you fell asleep.


It was after one of the busy night were Tommy barely could get you before midnight, that you had to sneak out of his house early in the morning to get you a new set of clothing. You were almost sure he wouldn't come to you the night before, which was unusual, so you had started getting ready for bed before he came that night. That also meant that you had prepared the next day's clothing by the end of your bed instead of packing it in your duffle bag. Tommy gave your hand as you left his room in the clothing from the day before. He disappeared into the wash room and you closed the door very slowly and silent behind you and went down towards the back staircase.

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