Chapter 15

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Polly took care of the poor man's family by your request. You said to Tommy that you wanted your salary to be giving to the man's family but he insisted that you kept your money and he would give them a much larger sum from the company. He said that they would always provide for the family of a fallen Blinder.

You could feel the unease in the office after the episode. People weren't as loud as they usually were and most of the men looked up when someone walked in the front door to the betting shop. Tommy was out much again and you hated that you just sat there in the office and did the paperwork. You wanted to be where he was and help with whatever he was doing out of the office all the time. You had asked what you could do, but he just told you to work like you always did and keep your head low. No shopping trips with Ada or outings with Lizzie. Besides that, Tommy seemed like he always did. He wasn't any more panicking or was out half of the night like he was when you started to know him. He came faithfully home every night before you went to bed and would pull you in for a kiss or a hug as a greeting, always with a smile on his lips.

You couldn't resist him when he was in a good mood and let him sweep you away but when you weren't around him it started to get to you. It didn't seem like he was doing much but at the same time, you didn't know what he was doing all day. He had promised to include you more but at the same time he was so over protective that he didn't want you to go out of the house when a potential killer was out there waiting for someone close to him and the Peaky Blinders.

"You are in." You said softly as you walked into Tommy's office some weeks later. Tommy was sitting bending over his desk with his head in some paperwork. His face didn't give away what he was reading but he looked up when you came in with a tray with tea and biscuits. You knew John and Arthur would either be there or come in a little later, so you had cups for them as well.

"How did you know that I needed that right now?" He said and let an arm sneak around your hips as you sat the tray down next to him.

"You've been sitting in here the whole day. It's not like you. So now that you aren't out running to god knows where I thought you might want something sweet to get thought the rest of the day." There were still a couple of hours left of work and you had thought this through so many times. Leaving your desk and drink tea with Tommy was a privilege you didn't know if you had. Yes, you were with Tommy now but that didn't mean that you could just abandon work when you wanted to. So you had worked extra fast to earn yourself some time off with Tommy. At least in your head you had and you hoped Tommy thought like that too.

"Something sweet, huh? Is it the biscuits or you we are talking about here?" He said with a wicked grin playing on his lips. He brought the teacup up to his lips to take a sip.

"I certainly hope we are talking about the biscuits, because it's for Arthur and John too." You said and Tommy almost chocked on his tea. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically and pat him on the back till he could breathe properly again.

"How... how did you know they were coming too?" Tommy said when he was done coughing and adjusted his collar.

"You three are up to something without including me and you have been out with them every day since Chester was found dead outside Purnell's. I knew they would come eventually." You grabbed a cup from the tray and sat down on the opposite side of the desk with your legs crossed.

"Will you please stop referring to him as Chester and call him Mr. Lynch? You didn't know who the man was before he..." Tommy growled but you interrupted him.

"I feel like I owe the man, Tommy. I made the deal with Lady Isabella so that Mick King started to act out more than usual. And if we look further back he actually said he wanted to stop killing YOUR men if he got to fuc..."

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