Chapter 5

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There is something wet on your forehead; that was your first thought. The second thought never came because it was interrupted by the worst headache settling in right behind your eyes and in the back of your head. You wanted to move but it was like your whole body was stiff. You could feel every limp aching like you've been lying still for too long. You didn't want to open up your eyes but you could sense the light on the other side of your eyelids. Natural light? But wasn't it night? A grumble almost escaped your lips as you hoisted your tired arm up to cover your eyes until you got used to the light.

You were in a bed. You were sure about that. The surface you lay on was the exact opposite of how your body felt like. You were sure that this bed was much too soft to be your own, but you couldn't wrap your brain around it. It was first when you felt a movement in the surface of the bed – that wasn't you – your brain activated for good. Were you in a hospital? The last thing you remember was that Mr. Bailey grabbed you and you tried to get away. It has to be a hospital. Did Tommy take you? Who was in your bed? Was there anyone in your bed or was it your imagination? You didn't dare to move before you were sure that you were alone. There weren't really any sound other than a high pitch ringing that come from the back of your head.

The movement came again and you could feel it in the way that your legs shifted slightly by the pressure on the bed moving underneath you. You held your breath and tried to listen and only found a slight sound of movements of fabrics that touched each other. There was someone sitting on the bed next to you. You tried your hardest to move your hand from your eyes again without making a sound, so you could open your eyes. It was too light at first and you had to squint at first. The shape of a man's back appeared. A man with only a button up white shirt and a pair of grey trousers held up with dark suspenders. He was leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, making it hard for you to see who it could be.

Your breath was caught in your dry throat. You couldn't hold in the cough and your whole body contracted along with it. The man sitting next to you reacted with an instant and lifted his head to look at you. Tommy. His hair was wild. You had never seen it that way before. It was always combed back or trapped under a sixpence. His face was unreadable but he reacted out for something out of your sight. You wanted to remove yourself from his presence. He was too close for your liking. It has been a long while since you had been this close to a man in a bed. His attention was back on you as he reached a mug of water toward you.

"Thirsty?" He mumbled and it was like your whole body reacted to his voice. It was calming. The breath you apparently had been holding since your coughing fit, released as you nodded your head.

"Can I help you sit up? I have a few pillows I can place behind you." He looked at you, waiting for answer. It was awfully kind of him to still think of how you might not like to be touched. You nodded lightly again and he immediately left the bed to fetch the pillows. There was a shift in the bed again. The first time the shift was filled with fear but now it made the bed feel empty. It was strange how the feeling of another person near could change like that? He held the cream coloured pillows up in front of you before he came closer. Instantly you stopped breathing like always, but when he reacted over you and pushed you up with a secure hand on your back, you took in a deep breath near his neck. He smelled like cigarette and whiskey. It was a pleasant warm smell. He placed the extra pillows behind you and when he carefully laid you down again, you didn't fell too far back. You had a great view of the room now, as he sat down on the edge of the bed again. The room was big. It was a huge bedroom with the bed staying in the centre up against one of the walls. It was the biggest bed you had ever found yourself in with lot of decoration on the pillars. In one side of the room there were a dressing area and to the other were a dark red leather sofa and a table with multi-coloured liquor bottles with crystal knobs.

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