Chapter 9

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It was strange how little everything changed around the office after the thread. The way that Tommy's people reacted to finding their friend dead made you think that everyone would run around in panic. But it was like they all looked to Tommy as soon as he stepped inside and tried to copy his mood. If the boss wasn't panicking, they shouldn't be panicking. One thing that you noticed was that Tommy was more and more out of the office. There were even days where he didn't come in at all and on those days the people in the betting shop and the rest of the office was kind of uneasy but tried not to act any different. It was the look in their eyes that you noticed.

Despite not coming into the office he was always with you at night. He always looked exhausted but he always gave you that little smile and would fall into you on the bed. You didn't mind that he didn't come pick you up as often either. Often you wouldn't even leave the resident after work, because Ada invited you to stay and talk or the two of you went out while Polly looked after Karl. Somehow she always at a lot to talk about and could talk for both of you. It almost felt like before all the bad things happened to you and you were out with your friends.

You followed Ada home and stayed with her and Polly in the evenings before excusing yourself to Tommy's room. They always gave you a smirk and bit you good night. You knew by then that they thought that you and Tommy was much more than just sleeping next to each other, but would they really believe you? Your night gown had a permanent place in Tommy's drawers now and one of their maids was washing it for you. It was strange to think that someone in their household was washing your clothing and laying it back like you were a part of their family. It made you feel weird and fuzzy inside. It was also one of the reasons that you had got the habit of waking up earlier than Tommy to get home to your own apartment to wash yourself and get new clothing. The thought of Polly catching you again and forcing you to each breakfast with the whole Shelby family made it even weirder.

When you started to get the first bills from Manchester you went to knock on Tommy's door. After a moment without him answering you opened anyway. He was sat reading over a stack of papers and as you opened up the door all the way, you could see him frown over the top of the papers.

"When I don't answer it's because I don't want to be inte..." He stopped when he looked up from the papers and saw you.

"Y/n. Come in. I was just reading over a few reports." His frown disappeared and his whole tone changed from anger to relieve.

"What do you got there?" He asked, reaching out for the bills in your hand. You gave them to him and went to the other side of the table and pointed to the place with the address from Manchester.

"Aaah I see. It's good that you reacted. I will take care of these myself. Thank you." He looked up at you and gave you a quick smile and looked the paper over. You were about to leave again when Tommy called your name. You turned around to see him being leaned back with folded hands over his stomach.

"You never told me about your first impression of Mick King." He said calmly and nodded at the chair in front of him. You sat down as he found a piece of paper and a pen for you to use.

I think he is a very dangerous man who sits in the same position as you. But he isn't doing any of the dirty work himself, he's just ordering around. I think the man he brought with him was the wicked one.

"Wicked. Good word." Tommy read aloud from your paper and a hint of a laugher escaped him. He handed back the paper to you, which indicated that the talk wasn't over.

"You must never forget, y/n, that I am a dangerous man too. But I don't like to be compared with him. He's still a threat to all of us and has the connections to move things around to his advantage. I have to step really careful with these deals. So if there is any more bills like these give them to me here in the office or put them in the top drawer to the right if I'm not in." Tommy looked you directly in the eyes as he spoke.

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