Chapter 7

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It's was weird packing clothing in a duffle bag to bring with you out of your apartment. It suddenly reminded you of the Langstons again. They didn't let you pack your own stuff. It suddenly just appeared at your apartment one day when you got home from work.

You didn't know what you pack to this... Sleepover? What was going to happen? Tommy was standing downstairs in your living room waiting for you, but you were starting to grow uneasy. You wanted to help Tommy in every possible way because he had treated you so well, but your anxiety started to creep in on you. He was still a man and you knew for a fact that he wasn't God's best child. In the short span of time you had known him he had killed two men. Why weren't you afraid of him? You were sure he would be able to hurt you... Right? Was it wrong to let him in and help him?

"Do you have everything you need?" you jumped when Tommys voice was hears from the door. He pushed open the door to your bedroom slightly and looked quickly around until he found you sitting next to your bag which was sprawling on the bed. Your thoughts must have been easy to read on your face, because Tommy suddenly looked all shy and took of his hat.

"You don't have to do this if you don't feel comfortable with it. It was just a thought now that it worked before"

Tommy looked down and a little defeated. It must be hard for him to be a man of such power and then ask a mental woman for help. Your previous thought about him ever hurting you disappeared and you took in a deep breath and closed your bag and right a knot on the strings. As you stood, Tommy finally looked up and straightened as you neared the door.

"Ladies first." he said and stepped aside.

He led you back to the Shelby residence, but you noticed how you were walking another way than you used to walk to work. This time it was smaller streets with fewer people nodded towards Tommy and acknowledge the great Mr. Shelby of Birmingham. Still, people noticed him everywhere like he was some kind of celebrity. You didn't realize you were already at his house, when he limped the stairs up to an unknown door. You looked up at the stone façade and realized that it must be some kind of back entrance that you didn't know of. You were only used to seeing the house from the front. He locked up the door and let you go in first. It was an unfamiliar hallway but it had the same colours and matching interiors to the rest of the Shelby house.

You were wondering why he let you in through the backdoor. The family knew you very well but maybe this was too much to Tommy to let them know about the two of you. It wasn't like you were lovers from two rivalling families like the infamous lovers Romeo and Juliet. You were two broken souls that help each other find a way to make every day less sufferable. At least his brothers would understand. You walked up a spiral staircase to the first floor. You remember leaving through this hall, but in the other end with the grant staircase to the ground floor. You didn't need Tommy to lead you to which door was his. When you reached the door, you turned around to see if he was right behind you he smiled sweetly at you and opened the door for you.

The smell was familiar to you. You had spent a good 24 hours in there a few days before. The whole room was Tommy. His musky Aqua Velva aftershave, the cigarette smoke and the smell of fresh sheets. You wondered who changed the sheets, because you didn't think Tommy to be one that changed them himself.

"Let's not make this more awkward than it is. Get yourself ready for bed like you use to and I'll change in the wash room." Tommy cleared his throat before he left the room and let you alone. You shifted a little, didn't know what to do with yourself. You walked over to the bed and sat down. The bedding was changed since your attack. You hadn't noticed much about the colour back then, but now it was blue tartan. You would have remembered that because it was very unusual for normal people to have colours beddings. But you guessed that Tommy wasn't really a normal man. You sighed for yourself and did as you were told. You changed into your knee long classic night dress in a pastel blue. It was very old and you were suddenly nervous to be seen in it. It was one of the only things that you from before the whole kidnapping episode. Once you were confident and wore it around the house. Your father who was a little old school called you a scoundrel when you and your friends ran past him and his business partners in your night dresses on a hunt for sweets in the kitchen. Now the dress was the only night dress you owned and you covered yourself with your arms.

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