Chapter 6

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It was a weird sensation for you to wake up. It was disorientating, unfamiliar but at the same time comforting. You were curled up on your side, which you were sure was because of the aching in your back that could still feel. Like the stairs was still piercing into your skin. But you were curled up next to something so comforting and warm that you didn't want to move. It was first when you wanted to rub the sleep out of your eyes that you felt that your hand was stuck. Or not stuck, but tugged under something. You opened your eyes and saw that your hand was still secured in Tommy's grip. He was on his side as well, with your locked hands between your faces. You could feel his breath on your hand. It tickled and it might have been what actually had woken you up, but you couldn't make yourself tuck your hand away from him. He looked so peaceful. His hair was still a mess and his white button up was wrinkled now. Even one of the sides of his suspenders was sliding down from one of his shoulders. It was a sweet morning mess. You hated that you had to wake him up, but your body was aching and you knew you had to move to another position to be able to get some movement back to your body.

You started by slowly trying to get your hand out from Tommy's but as you thought you were succeeding he tightened the grip on you as he mumbled something you couldn't understand a word of. Only the moment after he opened his eyes, the sleep still clung to him and tried to force him back in its grasp. But when he noticed how close you were he finally opened his eyes wide and blinked a few times.

"Good morning." He said with a raspy voice. Please say something more, you thought instantly. He lifted his head to look behind him, out of the window. The sun was about to rise and it was a new day. He lay back down again and squeezed your hand before he finally let go. The two of you looked at each other for a moment, before he sighed.

"How are you feeling? Better?" You shrugged as an answer to him. You were feeling a little better, but that was purely mentally. You had actually slept without the nightmares and through the whole night. If you didn't know better, you thought that Tommy might have too. Your body still felt like one big bruise and you really wanted to figure out how bad you looked.

"I will have to go and get a wash. I am needed at the office in half an hour. Polly will be here shortly." He said and he finally let himself roll over and get out of the bed. He strolled over to the mirror in the dressing area and grumbled when he saw himself. Adjusting his suspenders and tried to take his hair by running his fingers through it. You sat up slowly, trying to put some weight on your arms, to see if you could hold yourself up. It hurt, but it wasn't unbearable. You caught Tommy's gaze in the mirror as he was buttoning up his shirt. He send you a hint of a smile before he stopping unbuttoning his shirt and grabbed another one in one of the closets.

"I'll go fetch Polly now. Then you can get some food and maybe go to the wash room yourself." He said and as if your stomach was connected to his words it growled loud and empty. You blushed instantly but Tommy didn't reach to it at all. He simply nodded your way and disappeared out the door. You tried to shake the sudden emptiness of the room off you by focusing on your ruined body.

Carefully you tried to adjust the pillows behind you, without making any big and sudden movements. When you could sit comfortable you started moving all your limps one by one. The toes were stiff but still moving. Your left knee was hurting like hell but you could move it, so it couldn't be broken. You looked down your arms that were covered in bruises in brown, black and yellow but no dirt. Someone most have been washing you off, while you were unconscious and the thought made you a little uneasy. Someone had been touching you all over to wash you off and... change your clothing.

"Oh you are awake! I told Tommy to call on me as soon you came to, but now he tells me that you were already awake last night? Did he at least check your head?" Polly marched toward the bed, not even a second after she entered the door without warning. You were startled but managed to nod. He hadn't really checked you but you didn't want Tommy to get into trouble with his aunt.

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