Chapter 10

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Warning!!! This is kinda long. About 6k words. And it became VERY brutal. So please keep that in mind before you read!


It was a strange sensation waking up the next day. The chest that your body was sprawled on top of was the same, but the bed was not nearly as soft as you were used to. The air didn't smell of leather furniture and faint cigarette smoke. It was more of old wooden walls and the remaining embers from the fireplace. You breathed in heavily and stretched out the arm and leg that you weren't laying on which also made Tommy stir. He strained his back for a moment before he relaxed again.

"We need to get you a new bed. This one is horrible. No wonder you were so easy to persuade to sleep in mine." His voice was raspy and he was slightly mumbling but it was really attractive. It did help with the fact that he let his fingers run up and down your arm. It gave you that lovely tingling feeling in the pit of your stomach that always came when you were near Tommy. Whenever he touched you. It was strange how a single human could make you hungry for touch, when you have been moving away from it for years. You couldn't help but look Tommy in the eyes and give him a smile. For a long time you just laid there looking at each other until the buzz of people on the streets started to grow louder. That indicated that you two might have to get up and get going.

Tommy sighed heavy as he started to sit up, forcing you to roll over. He started to get dressed in his clothing from the day before. Suddenly the tables had turned and he was in the position you were in every morning. You walked to your drawers and found a dress and stockings for the day.

"I'm not about to snoop in your drawers but do you perhaps have anything... fancy in there?" Tommy came up behind you and you gave him a frown. What has he on about?

"I mean, do you have anything that might be fitting for a place a bit fancier than the Garrison? No offence to my brother." Tommy rolled his eyes and smiled. Those already high cheekbones reaching higher than you had ever seen before. He raised his eyebrows and gestured for you to continue and you opened up a new drawer and pulled out one of your older dresses that you had saved from when you lived with the Langstons. They required you to look your best if you were out with them. You had to get out sometimes so society knew that they still fed you and you were alive.

It was a royal blue ankle-long dress with short sleeves. It was a little old fashion with a tighter waist than what the most fashionable women wore, but it was very presentable, even though it had folds in the fabric from being in the drawer instead of hanging in a real closet. You held it up in front of you so that Tommy could see how it looked. You still wondered what he had I mind as he took a step back and looked you over.

"That will do. I'm sure you will look beautiful. Can you meet me at the office at 9? Then you can press out the folds in the dress and put your hair up. I want to take you with me to a very special meeting... or we can call it; a dinner." Tommy went and got his jacket on the stool where the rest of his clothing was left folded neatly and put it on. He gave your arm a squeeze when you nodded to answer yes to his question. At that point you were almost ready to go to the end of the world with that man. What was wrong with you? Tommy fetched his jacket and hurried out of your bedroom. Only a moment later you heard your front door open and close again.


It was a long time ago since you really had to get all dressed up. You were looking at yourself in the mirror and pinched your cheeks to give them a little colour. You had done your best with the hair pins you had and your hair was successfully held up and stroke back. The question was for how long it will stay that way. One blow of the wind and it might look horrible. You had a moment of panic when you thought that the dress might have not fit you anymore, but as soon as all the buttons was closed and you breathed out, it still fit you perfectly.

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