Chapter 4

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After your first time at the Garrison, Ada started to come to the office to take you there. Tommy asked her the first time if it was a good idea, but she shrugged and dragged you along. You could feel that she liked your company. Maybe it was because she was the one who did all the talking and you listening. It was okay, because she had had such a crazy childhood with all those brothers toying with her and treating her like she was made of porcelain sometimes. You never got any siblings and only lived with your father until his death. Ada also told you some more personal stories about when Tommy, Arthur and John when to France and your heart ached for the three with all the terror they might have experienced. The war had basically when over your head, sitting in your room at the Langston's. Maybe occasionally hearing the siren and was dragged down in the basement for protection when the humming of the Fokker Eindeckers flying over London.

It was like the whole family just accepted you presence. You noticed how the brothers started to talk already when they reached the front room with you and Lizzie's desks. Usually they kept quiet until they were in Tommy's office and you could hear the mumbling through the door, when you weren't typing.

"Y/n? Bring your paper and pen." You lifted your head and turned around to see Tommy standing in the door to his office. He nodded his head towards his office, signaling you to get in. Lizzie nodded like she was telling you that it was okay. You both knew that the three brothers were in the office at the moment and last time you were alone in a room with three men you were tied up and thrown over the desk. When you stepped inside Tommy automatically put a hand in the small of your back like he used to when you hesitated. It was like he knew it before you even thought about it. It was the only contact that had ever happened between the two of you, but over the short amount of time you had grown used to it. Tommy closed the door behind you and you say down in front of his desk. Arthur stood at the window looking own between the wooden blinds that was only half open and dimmed the light in the room. John was on the same site of the desk as you.

"Don't worry. We don't bite. Unless ya want us to." Arthur said and your eyes widened and you looked to Tommy for help because you hadn't quite figured out Arthur yet. It was like he constantly had mood swings. Tommy just shook his head at his brother.

"We called you in here because we want to see your skills in action. You are quite fast with numbers and I have a... client... coming in. You have to make sure that the deal will be to our advantage." Tommy explained and lean in over his desk, folding his hands. You nodded as an answer. You didn't know if you would be able to process the numbers under pressure but at the same time you were curious to see how the deals were made in Tommy's office.

"Good. Now, he will be here any minute. John, Arthur." Only by the mention of their names, they apparently knew what to do. They both got up and left the room, leaving you alone with Tommy.

"You don't have to interact with the man coming in here, okay? You are only here to look over the numbers. I will handle the rest." He assured you just before there was a knock on the door. Tommy moved and took the chair John used the moment before and dragged it to his side of the table and gestured for you to sit there instead. You moved around the table as Tommy asked for whoever was outside the door to get inside. The door opened and Lizzie stepped in first.

"Mr. Bailey is here." She said and caught your eyes as she said it. She looked confused to why you were still in Tommy's office but your attention was led to the mountain of a man that walked in behind her. He looked like an Irish mine worker trying to dress nicely for the first time. The suit didn't fit him very well and the peaked cap on his head looked too small. To you, he looked like a man with a mean fist that he might not be afraid to use.

"I was afraid you wouldn't show up. Please." Tommy gestured for the man to sit down in front of the desk. He took off his hat and sat down. The chair made a creaking sound, like it could give up at any moment. The man looked you up and down. It wasn't pleasant but he didn't look interested in you in any way, so you nodded politely at him.

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