Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood

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    When Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy returned back to Merlin's House, they saw Merlin opening the book.

    "Ah, welcome back, you four," Merlin said. "As you noticed, that this is a magical book. And once I put the pages back together, you should jump inside."

    "Wow! A magical book?" Hikari said.

    "You see, when you brought the book to me from Cid, I knew that it was not any old book but a special kind," Merlin explained.

    "A special book?" Sora said, looking astonished.

    "I know, right?" Hikari said. "Shall we jump in?"

    Sora smiled. "Why not? Let's go."

    They jumped into the special book and sees that there are pictures of trees. Sora and Hikari ran over to see a picture of an empty meadow and enters a page. Then, they walked over to see a yellow bear in a red shirt sitting on the log, thinking. "Think, think. Think, think."

    "Hi there," Sora greeted. "What's wrong?"

    "Nothing," the yellow bear replied. "Just thinking."

    "That's...cute," Hikari said, smiling at the bear. "Whatcha thinking of?"

    "I was thinking of how to say goodbye to Pooh," the bear said.

    "Pooh?" Sora and Hikari said at the same time.

    "Yes?" the bear or obviously...Pooh asked.

    Sora and Hikari exchanges look with each other and turns to Pooh.

    "Let me get this straight," Hikari said as she and Sora sat on the log next to the bear. "You're Pooh?"

    "Your name's actually Pooh?" Sora asked.

    "Yes, I'm Winnie the Pooh," Pooh nodded. "Pooh for short. Who are you?"

    "I'm Sora," Sora introduced.

    "And I'm Hikari," Hikari introduced as well.

    "Oh. Hello, Sora and Hikari. Have you two come to say goodbye to Pooh, too?" Pooh asked the two.

    "What? No. Why would we do that?" Hikari asked, looking confused.

    "We've only just met," Sora said, looking very confused.

    "Because everyone's gone away," Pooh said sadly.

    "What do you mean?" Hikari asked.

    "Well, we all lived here in the Hundred Acre Wood," Pooh explained. "And we'd take walks together, or play Pooh sticks... And every day, I'd eat some honey. Just one small smackeral would taste very good right now. But now everyone's gone. All my friends, and my favorite Hunny Tree too. Everyone must've gone away while I was napping, I think... So, who knows?" He gets off the log. "Maybe I shall end up going away somewhere as well. But I wonder, how do I say goodbye to myself?" Then, he starts thinking again. "Think, think, think."

    Sora and Hikari felt sorry for a bear of very little brain.

    "Oh, my tumbly is getting rather rumbly," Pooh said as he walked away.

    Hikari frowned. "Awwww... that poor bear needs help."

    "Should we do something?" Sora asked.

    "Yeah," Hikari nodded. "Let's go help Winnie the Pooh."

    Without any hesitation, Sora and Hikari followed Winnie the Pooh to the tree house with a sign says, "Mr. Sanders".

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