Riku meets DiZ and Naminé/The King's promise

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After retrieving the card from King Mickey, Riku arrived at a strange town called Twilight Town. "Where am I? What is this place?" He looked around and noticed that King Mickey is not with him. "Your Majesty?"

Ansem appeared. "You must battle me all alone. Against my dark powers!"

Riku summoned his Soul Eater weapon but noticed something seems unfamiliar about Ansem.

"What's this?" Ansem looked surprised. "Are you giving up? Finally ready to surrender to your fate?"

"You're not the true Ansem," Riku said. "Your scent is different. The Ansem in my heart smells darker. The odor is more foul. But your scent just isn't that. It's not darkness. It's something else. I finally understand. You're the one who guided me when it started. You came to me pretending to be Ansem. You gave me the card— To make me face the darkness."

"That is correct," Ansem smiled as he turns into another man called DiZ. "DiZ, or so I am known. You—I've watched you all along."

"Really," Riku said, raising his eyebrow. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?"

"For you to choose," DiZ answered.

"Choose?" Riku looked confused.

"You are a special entity," DiZ told Riku. "You exist between light and dark. You stand in the twilight. You are to meet Naminé, then choose."

"Naminé? Who's that?" Riku asked.

"You will know soon," DiZ said as he disappear into a ball of light.

Riku walked through the town until he reached the old mansion. "Maybe Naminé is here..."

	"Hold it," said a voice

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"Hold it," said a voice. It was Repliku. He walked up to Riku. "You've changed. Your own darkness—it doesn't frighten you anymore."

"How can you tell?" Riku asked.

"Because I'm you," Repliku replied.

"No, I'M me," Riku said proudly.

Repliku seemed annoyed. ""I'm me," he says. Must be nice being real. A fake like me could never get away with saying that. That's right, I'm a phony, a fake! The way I look, the way I feel, everything I remember! And even this newfound power!" The dark aura started to surround Repliku who summons his Soul Eater weapon. "I thought by finding some new strength, I could finally be someone—someone who is not at all you! But...nothing changes... I'm still just empty! Everything about me is borrowed. As long as you're around, I'll never be more than a shadow!"

Riku summoned his Soul Eater weapon and fought Repliku. When it was over, Repliku was about to fall into the darkness.

"So...it's over," Repliku said, laying on the ground. "Death doesn't frighten me. Good riddance to a phony life. My heart was never real. I'm sure even what I'm feeling now is probably all fake."

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