Sora and Hikari's slumber/Riku's reunion with King Mickey

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Soon after beating Marluxia and Repliku going his separate ways, Naminé took Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy to the room where a giant pod is standing.

"To remember again, we have to sleep in that?" Donald asked Naminé.

"Yes," Naminé nodded. "It's going to take a little time, but I'll take care of you."

Goofy frowned. "Gawrsh, when we wake up, we won't remember who you are anymore..."

"But how are we gonna thank you?" Donald frowned as well.

"Don't worry about that!" Jiminy assured. "I'll just make a big note in my journal. And it will say, "Thank Naminé."" He turned to Hikari. "Hikari, do you think you can write that onto your diary too?"

Hikari nodded as she pulled out her diary. "Sure. I can do that."

"Oh, good," Donald smiled. "That makes me feel better."

"Well, good night, then, Naminé," Goofy said to Naminé.

"Good night, Goofy," Naminé said as Donald and Goofy goes to their pods. Then she turned to Sora and Hikari. "You too, Sora and Hikari."

Sora and Hikari nodded. "Okay."

As Sora goes to his pod, Naminé spoke to Hikari. "All of this may have started with a lie...but I really am glad that I can meet you and Sora, Princess Hikari."

Hikari smiled. "Yeah, us too. When Sora and I finally found you, and even when we remembered your name, we were happy. The way we felt then—That was no lie."

"Goodbye," Naminé said.

"No, not goodbye!" Hikari said. "When we wake up, we'll find you. And then there will be no lies. We're gonna be friends for real. Promise me, Naminé."

"You're going to forget making that promise, princess," Naminé frowned.

"If the chain of memories comes apart, the links will still be there, right?" Hikari said. "So the memory of our promise will always be inside me somewhere. I'm sure of it."

"Yeah, you're right," Naminé said, smiling. "Okay, it's a promise."

"Good. Until later," Hikari said as she gave Naminé a pinky promise and jumped into her pod.

Naminé looked at her pinky and looks up at Hikari. "A promise... Huh... Hikari, some of your memories' links are deep in the shadows of your heart and I won't be able to find them. But don't worry, princess— You made another promise to three people who you missed a long time ago. They are your lights. The lights within the darkness. Remember them, and all the memories lost in the shadows of your heart will come into the light."

Hikari knew that Naminé was talking about Aqua, Ventus and Terra. "Another promise... Three people..."

"Look at your Wayfinder," Naminé said to Hikari. "I changed its shape when I changed your memory—But when you thought of her just once, it went back to the way it was."

Hikari pulls out her Wayfinder that Aqua gave her a long time ago and looks at it as the pod closes. In the dark void, Hikari was looking at her Wayfinder just as Naminé appeared next to her. Images of Sora, Riku, Kairi, King Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Master Yen Sid appeared. Soon... images of Terra, Ventus, Aqua, Master Eraqus and also her parents and her sister appeared.

Hikari gasped. "Ven! Terra! Aqua! Master Eraqus!" She looked at her parents and her sister. "My family... and my friends." Then she saw Naminé floating away. "Naminé?"

"Don't worry, princess," Naminé smiled. "You might forget about me...but with our promise, I can come back."

"A promise is a promise," Hikari smiled back.

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