Sora vs. Marluxia/Riku meets Zexion

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Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy had just arrived at the thirteenth floor. They had to defeat Axel first at the crystal room and then they arrived to the next room to see Marluxia with Naminé.

Marluxia was impressed as he smirked at the four. "You've defeated Axel. The Keyblade's power and the power of the princess of Kingdom Hearts—how I've longed to make it my own."

"Let Naminé go, pinky!" Hikari shouted.

"It's necessary to do the name-calling, princess," Marluxia said. "You and Sora have no chance of winning. Naminé... Erase Sora and Hikari's memories."

Naminé was shocked about what Marluxia had said. "But if I do that..."

"That's right," Marluxia smirked. "Sora and Hikari's hearts will be destroyed."

"Their hearts, destroyed?" Goofy was surprised.

"You can do that?" Donald said.

"I'd rather have preferred them unmarred, but they can be rebuilt—more to my liking with time," Marluxia said as he looks at Naminé. "Naminé, do it."

"No," Naminé said. "Sora and Hikari forgave me even when I deceived them. So how could I destroy their hearts? There's no way! I don't care what happens to me. I won't hurt Sora and Hikari! I won't do it!"

Marluxia glared at Naminé. "Then you will—"

"Do it, Naminé!" Hikari said to Naminé who looked shocked. "I don't care! You can erase our memories!"

Sora gasped. "Hikari..."

"Why'd you say that?!" Goofy asked.

"Because who will we look after if we don't have Naminé?" Hikari said to Sora and Goofy as she turns to Naminé. "So just do it! Erase our memories. Destroy our hearts. We promised! We'll always protect you! You have to believe me!"

"Hikari..." Naminé gasped again.

"Hikari has a point," Sora said. "We don't need any memories to take on someone like Marluxia!"

"You bet!" Donald agreed. "Even if Sora and Hikari forgets it all, Goofy and I won't forget!"

"Donald's right," Goofy said. "He and I can remember everything for Sora and Hikari!"

"See, we'll have all my friends' memories," Sora said.

"Yeah, so we can piece our own together again!" Hikari finished.

Marluxia just sneered at Sora and Hikari. "You ignorant fools. If Naminé uses her powers to erase your memories, you two will be nothing but empty shells. Your hearts will no longer be able to feel or to care. Just like—Vexen's pathetic imitation of your Riku."

"Take another guess," Repliku said as he appeared and tries to attack Marluxia.

Marluxia dodges Repliku's attack. "It can't be!"

"Riku!" Sora and Hikari shouted as they saw Repliku.

"No," Repliku said. "Just an imitation."

Marluxia glared at Riku Replica. "You're a shell—a shell who has had everything taken! Everything!"

"What can you possibly think I ever had?" Repliku said. "Both my body and my heart are fake. But...there is one memory I'll keep...even if it's just a lie! Whether it was a phantom promise or not... I will protect Naminé!"

 I will protect Naminé!"

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"Imbeciles..." Marluxia growled as he grabbed the flower petal and turns it into his scythe. "You would knowingly shackle your hearts with a chain of memories born of lies? You would be two who has hearts, yet cast aside your heart's freedom? You turn from the truth because your hearts are weak— You will never defeat me!"

Hikari summons her Counterpoint Keyblade. "That's where you're wrong, pink hair!"

Sora, Hikari, Riku Replica, Donald and Goofy fought Marluxia and when the battle was over, he disappeared.

"Is he gone?" Donald asked Hikari.

"He should be," Hikari said.

"You could say that, princess," Marluxia said as he appeared. "However, what you and your friends destroyed was merely an illusion of me."

"Huh!?" Hikari gasped as she rubbed her eyes.

"So what!?" Repliku said as he charges towards Marluxia and tries to attack him but he saw that it was an illusion again. "Another imitation."

Hikari looked at the door. "He's there?"

"Yes," Naminé nodded.

"I knew it," Sora said, looking at the door. "We can feel his power. It's trying to destroy our hearts."

"Gawrsh, we'll just take care of him together!" Goofy said.

"Sora! Hikari! C'mon!" Donald said.

Hikari nodded as she turns to Repliku. "Riku... Protect Naminé."

Repliku looked at Sora and Hikari. "You two don't...mind?"

Sora smiled. "Should we?"

Repliku smiled back. "All right."

As Sora, Hikari, Donald and Goofy fought and defeat Marluxia, Riku heard a rumbling sound and knew something was going on. "What? One of the scents has died—a really strong one."

Zexion appeared and explained to Riku, "The keeper of this castle, Marluxia, has just been felled by the Keyblade master and the princess of Kingdom Hearts."

"Keyblade... Princess..." Riku realized what Zexion is talking about. "You mean Sora and Hikari! Sora and Hikari are here?!"

"Yes," Zexion nodded. "Want to see them? But...can you face them?"

Riku was confused. "What's that mean?"

	"The world of darkness, and Ansem's shadow, still nest within your heart," Zexion replied

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"The world of darkness, and Ansem's shadow, still nest within your heart," Zexion replied. "Do you plan to face Sora and Hikari like that? Are you not ashamed? Sora's fate is to battle the darkness. And Hikari's fate is to keep Kingdom Hearts away from people with dark hearts. He must oppose anyone who hosts the dark—in other words, it's you." He tosses the card to Riku. "If you don't believe the words I say, then you had best see the truth with your own eyes."

Riku's eyes widened as he looked at the card and saw a picture of the Destiny Islands. "This card! This is our—"

"Yes, it is your home," Zexion said as he disappeared.

Next chapter coming soon... and it will also focus more on Riku.

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