Chapter 2

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[ Zayn ]

"Hey, are you okay?" Allison, my workmate asked as soon as I enter the kitchen. I knew my eyebrows would soon be in one line because of frowning but really, I don't give a shit.

Why is everyone asking about my mood? Isn't it obvious with how I look right now? I know I'm scaring costumers with my scowls and glares but I just don't feel like being nice today. Nope. Not today.

"I barely see you like that Zayn. Care to tell me what's bothering you? Maybe I could give some advices." she nudged my side. She's so nosy.. but a good friend of mine too. I stood straight and looked at her.

"Dana is here." I said, crossing my arms.

"Dana? Your ex girlfriend?" I nodded. "Then why are you mopping? You should be happy then. Let's have a drink later. I just met someone and he's asking me out. You should come with us and maybe bring Dana with you." she beamed at me, clapping like an idiot. My frown deepens.

"She's getting married." I growled, feeling annoyed. "with her on and off jerk boyfriend."

"Oh.." Allison's eyes widen in surprise. " that model? Luke?" I nodded, chest tightening at the mention of that jerk's name.

You see, I met Dana in New York a few years ago. She took up Business course there and we were schoolmates back then. But Dana doesn't takes school seriously. She's really an ambitious girl back then so she would always do some modelling stints instead of going to class. Her dream is to be a top model. A very famous one.

"That guy is so hot tho." Allison giggles. I glared at her. Flirt.

"He's just famous cause he's some kind of model but he looks so ordinary." I huffed, frowning some more. "I don't even know what Dana sees in him. He looks like a douche." Allison snorts.

I would never allow that wedding to happen. Over my dead body.

Dana is mine. I'm going to be her husband, not that Luke.

"Maybe if they won't work out in the future and decided to just get divorce, maybe that means, you'll have a chance again." Allison shrugged as she leaned on the table.

"Luke is famous. Dana wouldn't let him go.."

"What? You mean she only wants him because he's famous and not because she loves him?" Allison frowned, looking at me confused.

"Of course! She doesn't love him. She loves me." I inhaled deeply. I know Dana loves me. I know.

"Does she even knows that?"

"Know what?"

"That she loves you.." Allison chuckled and I glared at her some more.

"She loves me okay? She just doesn't acknowledge it to herself yet because her dream is her priority for now. We're meant for each other because we compliment each other very well. I'm very sure she feels the same way." I rumbled as I explained everything.

Dana and I were so close to each other before. I usually visit her in her unit, and she did the same way with me. We would watch tv together while cuddling or eating ice cream or pizza. She would steal kisses from me and I would nuzzle her neck which makes her giggles. I love the sound of her giggles, her laughter. I love everything about her. Sometimes, when we're walking on the street, I would pick flowers and gave it to her.

I thought we had something. A romantic relationship even if we didn't say it officially. We just feel it. Or so I thought.

It's when Luke came in the picture. Dana couldn't shut up about him and then, she was gone for two weeks. No calls, no texts. And when she finally calls me, all she just say was "sorry". She said she was with Luke for 10 days when the guy went to Florida. Then she excitedly told me that Luke finally ask her out, and that she said yes. My heart broke into fucking pieces because of that. I've realised that I was just the only one whose thinking we have something. That we were in a relationship.

"Earth to Zayn. Hellooo.." I was pulled out of my thoughts when Allison flicked my nose.

"What?!" I snapped at her. She just rolled her eyes.

"You're such a drama queen. Zayn you're only 23 okay. There's a lot of girls around." she said, shaking her head as she stood up. "You don't need to sulk here and mopped about a girl who doesn't even cared about you ok? It's such a waste of time tbh."

"You don't understand. Dana is my soulmate. My destiny. And she'll realize that soon.." I stormed out of the kitchen, leaving Allison behind.

No one understands the way I'm feeling right now. No one.

Dana is mine. She loves me. And I'll make her realize it.


Votes and comments maybe?? :D

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