Chapter 6 *part 2*

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Here's the part 2. I had to cut the first one cause I had to do something and I felt like I needed to update something so yeah :D




[ Zayn ]

I turn around and was about to go back to the kitchen when I was startled to see Harry blocking my way. "Holy sheesh Curly you scared me!"

He smiled sheepishly, scratching his neck. "Sorry but I couldn't help but overheard your conversation with that blonde girl." he said calmly but my annoyance starts to rise up. Nosy dick!

"You overheard or you're eavesdropping?" I hissed through gritted teeth, my fist balled into my side.

"Both?" he just smiled guiltily at me. "I don't understand you. Why are you begging that girl to leave his boyfriend and take you?" he asked, confusion sets all over his face.

"It's none of your goddamn business."

"You're perfect Zayn. You don't need to beg for love, especially to that girl who is pushing you away." his voice is calm and the way he say it, full of emotion. But I'm so pissed right now to even bother on listening to him. He's invading my personal life and he's a stranger. "If she doesn't want you, then she's stupid. It's her lost."

What the--

I pushed him roughly on the wall, grabbing him by his collar. "Don't you ever call her stupid! And don't interfere with my life! I don't even know you!" I shouted to his face but he didn't flinched nor budge. I let go of his shirt roughly and stormed off, leaving him there alone. I went back to Dana's table but she's already gone with Luke. The only thing that's left is an invitation card on the table. I picked it up and read it slowly. It's a wedding invitation.

You're making a big mistake Dana! You love me! I know it!


I still couldn't believe it. Dana is really getting married with that Luke. When we were in New York, Dana and Luke's relationship were on and off. I was thinking the main reason is because they weren't compatible. I thought Dana would eventually hit her head or something, then she'll realize that I'm the one for her. But I've been here, waiting for 2 fucking years, and yet she wouldn't notice me. Instead, she gets engaged with that Luke. I decided to talk to her. I told her that I love her, I care for her, not in a friendly way but in a way a man loves a woman. Her woman.

She was surprised. That was all. That's it. She just adviced me that I should think first before saying something like that. I tried to knocked some sense in her, explaining how much I love her but she just shook her head. She told me it's Luke who she wanted to be with all her life. That she loves him. It's a big punched in my face. I stayed away so she'll realize that I'm the one for her. But I was wrong. Now she's getting married. Fuck.

I stopped walking when I heard footsteps behind me, sounds of  dry leaves that's probably been stepped off by someone. I'm now in front of our house. I was about to ignore it when I suddenly remember last night. Last night, someone's been following me!

Who the hell is that? What does he want? What if it's a murderer? Or maybe not.

I turn around and walked a few more steps back to check if there's someone when my eyes caught movements behind the large tree. It's dark out there so I can't see who it was.

"You better come out now and show yourself before I kill you." I growl. "And don't think of running away because I will chase you down and I will rip your head down!"

I saw a shadow walking towards me and when he stepped into the lighted street, a loud gasp escaped my mouth.

"It's you!" I shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. It's Curly boy.

"Hi.." he scratched the back of his head while looking at me guiltily because of being caught.

"You're the same person who is following last night? Right?" I hissed and he nodded, still looking sorry.

"I just want to know where you live."

I cross my arm and narrowed my eyes at him. "Why do you want to know?"

He shrugged casually, "In two days, me and my friends will be going back to England. We're just here for New Year so I was just thinking, maybe, while I'm still here, we could hang out. As friends of course." A hint of shyness in his voice.

"You're a stranger.." I pointed out. Well, he is. I don't even know him, except for his name. But deep inside, something's telling me he's a good guy. Just a little bit annoying.

"I'm not! You already know my name and I know yours. We're not strangers anymore." he beamed at me.

"Whatever Curly. But since you're already her, wanna have some coffee?" I opened the front door so he could come in.

His face lit up and he grinned widely which makes me laughed. He's adorable. "I'd love to! I really love to!" he almost squealed and I roll my eyes at him. Such a child.

Maybe being friends with him is not a bad idea after all.


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