Chapter 15

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[ Zayn ]

"I don't care where! Just get the fuck out of there! I'm serious Louis. Now!"

I can't help but winced while listening to Harry. He's talking and shouting at someone on the other line. We are now at the sea side after talking a short walk.

After a minute, Harry walked towards me, shoving his phone on his back pocket. I tried to smile just to hide my nervousness. Harry smiled back. "Let's go.."


"My place.."

I nodded slowly. Once again, Harry took my hand and twined our fingers. His hand is big, warm and fit perfectly on mine. Hmmm..

"You're cold?" he asked, peering down at me. Why is he so tall?

"Harry, I think I better go back to the hotel. Dana's probably looking for me now." I tried to freed my hand from him but he just hold on tighter.

"No. You won't leave that hotel if everything's alright with the two of you. So, spend the night with me. I'll keep you warm.." he winked at me with a cheeky smile on his gorgeous face. I felt a blush creeping on my cheeks. Did he really smile a lot? Oh no Zayn. You're turning G.A.Y.

"That's our place. It's the cottage the we're staying now. It's small but it's nice.." Harry caught my attention when he pointed his finger to a slack-like stracture not far away from where we are now.

"It seems like you're asking for someone there to leave earlier?"

"Nah. It's just my stupid friends. But don't mind them. They won't catch cold when they sleep outside.." once again, he smiled goofily.

He was right. The cottage was not that big but it's warm inside. Comfortable to stay it. When I turned to look at Harry, he's staring at me with a serious face, as if he's studying me or something. I fidgeted in my place. He's making me more nervous. "What are you looking at Curly?"

He shook his head. "I'm just memorizing everything about you in case you run away from me again."

I felt guilty. I remember what I did to him before. He didn't deserved that, I know. "About that, sorry for what hap------"

"Can I kiss you now?" Harry cut me off. He's now in front of me, his face leaning down, closer and closer to mine. I felt a lump formed in my throat, blocking all the words that I want to say.

Am I really serious about this? Am I ready for the consequences after?

Before I could think of some more, Harry's lips were pressed on mine. He didn't move. He just stay like that. We're not kissing, just pressing his soft lips on mine. I felt him smile. Hey, this feels so right.

I captured his lower lip between mine, sucking its sweet taste. That's when he responded. He kissed me back passionately. I clamped my hand at the back of his neck, urging him to move closer until there's no more space between us. Harry snaked his arms around my waist, his hands trailing down at my back. My hands went to cupped his face, my thumbs rubbing circles on his soft cheeks gently. He deepened the kiss, like he was pouring all his emotions on it. I can't help when a moan escape my mouth.

Kissing Harry was not the same as kissing Dana. With Dana, everything felt wrong and forced. But with Harry, it just happened naturally. Maybe I'm really gay after all. Or maybe I'm just gay for Harry? Whatever.

I felt myself being lifted from the floor, but our lips never parted, kissing each other like there's no tomorrow.

My back landed on the soft mattress gently, Harry standing in front of me. He was smiling again. That charming, sweet, cheeky smile that captured my eyes before.

"Are you sure about this babe?" he asked. His voice is low and there's a hint of worry in his green eyes.

For him to calm down, I leaned up and pressed a quick kissed on the tip of his nose. "I'm sure babe.."

Harry starts to pull his shirt above his head, tossing it carelessly on the floor. I roamed my eyes on his body in awe. Damn he's fit! He stripped down until his boxer was the only thing left.

"You know babe, after this, I hope you won't disappear again. Or atleast, just say goodbye to me so I won't worry about you. Understood?"

A throaty laughed escaped my mouth. I know what I did before was stupid but it won't happen again. I quickly removed my shirt, throwing it at Harry's face. He was surprised but that's only for a second before he jumped on the bed, settling himself on top of me. We were staring and grinning at each other like an idiots. This just felt nice. I feel calm and............happy.

Harry leaned down, capturing my mouth, giving me a deep, sloppy kiss which I gladly returned, without hesitation.

I knew he was a guy. But still, I wanted to make love to him just like we did before.


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