Chapter 12

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[ Zayn ]

"Harry? Who's Harry?" I snapped of my thoughts when Dana spoke. She's staring at me curiously. Should I tell her? Of course. Not.

"Nothing. Nothing." I smile at her, pecking a quick kiss on her nose. She went back on nibbling my jaw and my eyes flicked again on the bathroom. It's really Harry! Oh shit! He was staring at us darkly, his brows now creating a parallel line because of scowling. I could feel my face heating up with embarrassment. What should I do?

I held Dana's shoulder and pushed her away from me gently.

"What?! God Zayn! I said don't mind the damn repairman!" she yelled, glaring at me.

"We can do it later babe.." I whispered but her face went blank. She pulled away from me and stood at the side of the bed.

"It's now or NEVER Zayn.."

I stare at her stunned. Does she really want to have sex when there's other people here in the room? Is this the kind of relationship she had with Luke?

I could feel my anger rising but I kept calm. "I said later. If you can't wait, then obviously, the answer is NEVER.." I stood up from the bed and picked up my t-shirt that's on the floor.

"Where are you going?! Zayn!"

I ignore her shouts and went to open the front door. For the last time, I glanced again on the bathroom but Harry's nowhere to be seen but I could hear the sound he's making. It's like he's breaking the shower instead of fixing it.

I walked outside, straight to the beach. I need fresh air to calm down. I can't believe it! What kind of joke is this? Why do I have to see him again? And the worse, in this kind of situation? I'm not even ready yet to face him after what I did to him. He's probably angry with me. Wait, does he even remember me? It's been a year. Oh well, one year is not that long for him to forget everything. I closed my eyes and tried to remember how he looks earlier. I notice he changed a little bit. Much fitter and he looks better than before. He's hotter.

Oh shit! You're so gay Zayn..


I went back to the hotel, but not in Dana's room. I headed straight to my own room. I need to give Dana some space because obviously, she's furious that I left her there. I never realized that Dana's that casual on sex that even when there's other people on the room, she'd still do it. Maybe it's true. I could never be like Luke.

I sit on the edge of the bed frustrated. I'm so confused on my feelings right now.

My head snapped up when my door burst open, revealing Dana. She just stood there, looking at me blankly. Before I could even speak, she turned her back on me, slamming the door shut. Should I follow her? But I think she needs to cool down.

"Follow her..."

I jumped up from my seat, startle when a deep voice spoke from behind me. When I turned to look, I saw Harry stepped out from the bathroom.

"Shit dude! You scare me!" I yelled at him as I calmed my breathing.

"Sorry. I just fixed the shower." he say blankly. He looked at me from head to toe. As if he's studying or judging me. For a second, I felt insulted honestly. It's like he's thinking I was stupid or just cheap maybe, because of what he saw earlier.

"Really? I don't remember my shower needs some fixing.." my voice is full of sarcasm.

Harry took a step forward, towards me. I don't know but my body became tensed, and my heart beats so fast.

"You can leave now. I....I want to be a-alone." Fuck I'm stuttering. Get your tongue straight Zayn.

"Why did you even leave your GIRLFRIEND? You know, you could always continue what you were doing and just ignore my presence. Your GIRLFRIEND seems to be enjoy doing that when someone's watching eh.." He said sternly and sarcastically. Before I could think and stop myself, my fist flew on his face, hitting his lips. He stumbled backwards but he manage to keep his balance. I saw blood drips on the cut on his lower lip and I felt bad. What have I done? I panicked, I was confused! I was offended and insulted at the same time. Plus he's insulting Dana right? But it's not right that I punched him!

Harry wiped the blood on his lips with the back of his hand before he glared at me. He walks fast towards the door, bumping his shoulder on mine roughly. He opened the door widely and took one last glance at me.

"Thanks for the punch." Harry spat acidly before walking out of my room.

Can I Keep You? [Zarry] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now