Chapter 1

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So this is like my first completed story and it really sucks tbh. There are lots of wrong grammar mainly because english is not my first language and my writing here really sucks. This was written around 2013-2014, I don't exactly remember but yeah this is old and I can't help but laughed and cringed when I once read it. I will edit this soon I promise. I'm just too lazy right now. So, sorry for all the confusions that would happen. 😂😭🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyways, thank you for still
reading and voting and commenting although I've been inactive for years now. Thank you. 😘

Enjoy! ♥


[ Harry ]

It's been exactly 2 days since we arrived here to celebrate New Year and I'm starting to regret it. Atleast Christmas in my hometown is fun, but here, I'm so out of place. No one is talking to me. Like literally, NO ONE. Liam's always with Dani, his girlfriend and they're like glued to each, it's sickening tbh. Same case with Louis and his girlfriend, Eleanor. Niall on the other hand is always so busy with his guitar session with Josh. It seems like everyone has forgotten my existence.

All of them are busy in their own freakin' world.

I should've brought someone too. I should've drag one of my ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend here with me. Yup. I'm still friends with my pasts and I don't regret it at all. Also, you've heard it right. I'm bisexual and I'm very much proud of it. People just have to accept and deal with it.

"Hey Haz, are you having fun?" Liam looks up at me, his finger suddenly poking my cheek, grinning. He's sitting on the carpeted floor with Dani clinging on his side. Psh.

"Yeah," I deadpanned. "so fun."
He rolled his eyes, turning his back on me. Hmpft.

"You are such a drama queen Harreh." Louis chuckled. He's cuddling with Eleanor on the couch. "Stop moping, maybe you'll have real fun."

I glowered at him. I'm not a drama queen! God I hate them. It's their fault anyways since all their attention is on their girls. I should've rejected the idea of bringing them here with us. Now, no one's paying attention to me. Meh. I need to go somewhere.

"Whatever." I hissed, standing up from my seat. I headed to the door and wave at them. "I'm going out. Be back later. Don't wait for me." I threw the door open, stepping outside, then slammed it shut, making the house rattle.

Yeah, take that fuckers for ignoring me.

I heard Niall calling me but I didn't looked back.

I stroll down the busy street, checking on some cool shops as I passed by them. Maybe I could enjoy my stay here even by myself. After all, it's not that bad in here.

I walked some more, passing by some couples that are holding hands and smiling sweetly to each other. I suddenly feel envious. I wish I had someone here with me now.
Out of nowhere, Niall's face flashes in my mind. Niall, my friend, is my ex boyfriend. We broke up months ago cause he left me to be with this girl he met on one of his gigs. It was too sudden, I mean the break up. It just happens before it could sink in my mind. Honestly, I'm willing to forget everything Niall did and just forgive him if he ever decided to come back to me because I really really like him. But sadly, he didn't want it anymore. He even said that he's happy with Emma now. Even if it hurts, I just moved on and let him go.

I sighed heavily, shoving my hands in my sweater's pocket. I gazed up at the sky. It's getting dark but I'm not in the mood to go back yet. I felt my stomach grumbles. Okay, I need to find a place to eat. I went to the first restaurant I saw and went inside, sitting at the table near the window. I picked up the menu that's on the table and scan it.

"Can I take your order Sir?"

I looked up to see a blonde girl standing beside me who placed a glass of water on my table. She's wearing a tight blue uniform and an almost fake smile.

"Um.. well, I'll have some Beef with roast and mashed potatoes please." I replied, smiling. "and pineapple juice too."

As she quickly wrote my orders on her notepad, I shamelessly check her out, looking her up, down. I noticed that she's really pretty. Her blonde hair is styled up in a high ponytail. Her face is flawless with minimal make up and her lips is tinted in bright red.

""I'm Harry by the way?" I smile flirtily at her. Her face lit up, seemingly surprise, then she beamed.

"I'm Allison.."

"Hi Allison. You're pretty."

"Why thank you." she giggled, tracing her finger on my jaw. "Do you think we could hangout later?" she asked boldly.

"Sure." I winked, making her blush. "Anywhere you want to go, i'll be there."

"Cool. Be back later Hottie. I'm just gonna get your orders real quick." she purred, turning her back as she go, her hips swaying a little. Nice.

I scanned the place again. There's few people here, mostly young couples going on a date. This place is kind of nice. Warm and cozy if I may described it.

My gaze fell on someone and I think, my world suddenly stops. There he is, walking slowly, is the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in my life.

Okay that's a bit exaggerated but it's near the truth too!

The guy passed by near my table and my eyes almost popped out of it's socket. He's a fucking beast. Sexy as hell.

Yeah I'm looking at this gorgeous guy in a blue uniform right now. His hair is jet black and kinda messy and I think that's his style. He has stubbles on his face which made him look more masculine. His skin is like caramel in color and he has a slender but fit body. I can see the outline of his abs through his shirt. I bet he looks much much sexier without those damn uniform.

Hmmm.. and those tattooes, goodness.

But the most sexiest thing on him is his eyes. Those dark brown eyes surrounded by thick lashes that could look through deep your soul. Damn! I'm such a creep.

I took a deep breath to calm myself and before I start to drool. This guy screamed hotness.

Mr. Sexy is now cleaning the table near mine and I quickly got my phone from my pocket. I focused the camera on him. Luckily, he was looking at something on his shoulder so I captured his whole face. Perfect.

I blew a deep breath as I stared at his photo.

He's the ONE.

It's official. I'm inlove.

Can I Keep You? [Zarry] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now