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[ Zayn ]

"Trying to make me jealous by using my bestfriend? How cheap." Harry shot me a glance then return his gaze on the road. He was now driving his black Range Rover and we're heading to his house. "You think I'd fall for that?"

"You do look jealous back there. And I am not using Niall to make you jealous. I really like him.."

Once again, his eyes roamed on me, as if studying me. Then, he smiled smugly. "You can't fool me. You know you love me.."

"Don't be too sure of that. I don't love you. Never was, never did. Oh! And keep your eyes on the road!" I punched his shoulder lightly and he just burst out laughing.

"But you called me a heartbreaker remember? If you don't love me, why did you say that?" he gave me a cocky smile which I want to wipe out of his gorgeous face. He was right though. I was broken hearted like a teenage girl when he left me. Stupid heart of mine. I sighed heavily, resting my head on the glass window.

"See? I'm right. You know Zayn, I've always knew that you're just staying at the other hotel on the beach. I know you can't leave me because you love me. Right or right babe?" his eyes narrowed but you can't miss its spark that shows cheekiness. This guy is so full of cockiness on his body. Seriously.

"So what if I love you? Does it matter? You're a liar. A cheater. I won't forgive you Harry.."

His face softened at that. His eyes remained looking at the road as he speaks. "You know that's not true. I never cheated on you Zayn. And if I hurt you, I'm really really sorry. I would never hurt you. And I know that a part of you believes me. That's why you never leave Miami. Right?"

I didn't answer. He's right. But I'm too stubborn to admit. All these feelings are new to me. Hell, I've only discovered that I'm gay and officially admit it to myself a few days ago. Will I be able to take all the consequences of loving a guy? Of loving Harry? I had to admit, I'm scared. But maybe, with him by my side, everything would be okay.

The car came to a stopped in front of his house. Harry unbuckle his seatbelt, and did the same with mine. He turned to face me with a small smile. "Babe, I'm so sorry for what I did to you. For once, I just want you to realize my importance. I felt like you're just taking me for granted that time. I'm so sorry.." his thumb brush over my cheeks.

"I understand you. You should've just give up on me.."

His eyes widen. "No. No. That was the last thing I would do. I would never give up on you. You're mine, I am yours.." he reach for my hand, entwining our fingers.

"You're so mushy and cheesy and corny and girl and-----"

"Shut up Zayn. Let me finish.." he flicked my nose, making me glare at him. "Like what my buddy Casper says, can I keep you?"

My heart starts to beat so fast, I'm afraid it may jump out of my chest. I never felt so.......overwhelmed before. Is this how it felt to be love and to love?

"You're my love. I never fell in love again after I met you. You stick so much to my heart. It's like you're glued in it."

My face heats up as I felt myself blushing. This guy in front of me, eventhough he's annoying sometimes, he still brings joy in my life.

"Will you marry m----"

"Oy! You're so fast! I'm not even your boyfriend yet.." I snatched my hand back. He glared at me before smacking my forehead. Hard.

"Ow! Why are you so violent?!"

"Could you please shut up and don't ruin the moment? Please?"

I snorted and rolled my eyes on him. "Fine.." I huffed, crossing my arms.

He took a deep breath, staring at me with narrowed eyes. "Okay. As I was asking. Will you marry me? Of course not now but I still want assurance from you. I want you to be mine forever. I'll wait for you no matter how long it takes. I love you so much Zayn.."

My heart swell with so much happiness that my eyes starts brimming with tears. God, how can he make me feel this way? My hands reached up to cupped his face. He leaned in to my touch, his eyes piercing into mine. "Harry, I admit, I'm scared. This is all new to me. Just please don't give up on me. Don't leave me.."


"Curly. You may regret this. You being with me.."

His brows raised. A questioning look on his face. "Why?"

"I just realized that I probably don't deserve you. You're too amazing for me.."

"Why do I feel the same way?"

"Because you're crazy." I kissed the tip of his nose. He chuckled. His arms goes around my body, pulling me close to him. His breath fanning on my face.

"Wrong. It's because I love you and we all feel insecure when we're inlove. I would never leave you. Never." His face leaned down until his lips brush on mine. "So, Mr.Malik, will you marry me? Someday?"

A large grin stretched on my lips as I stared deeply on his green eyes. Love is reflected from it. My arms snaked around his neck, pulling him close.

"Yes Curly. I'll marry you. I'm all yours. I love you"

With that, his lips captured mine for a sweet kiss.


Can I Keep You? [Zarry] *EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now