Chapter 20

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[ Zayn ]

"Louis that's mine!"

"Shut up Horan! You'll wake them up. Tsss.."

I woke up at the sound of whining, hissing and footsteps moving. I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light. I saw Liam sitting on the couch with a mug on his hand. On the kitchen, I can see Louis, Niall and Josh. Liam saw me awaked and he smiled. "Coffee?" he offered.

I smile back at him. I turned to my side and saw Harry was still asleep. The comforter covered his whole body and he has his arms wrapped around me underneath. I suddenly felt a little awkward. His friends might probably think something about me. But still, I can see in their eyes that they have respect on me. They never looked at me with malice or disgust. Maybe because I'm with Harry and they respect the person he likes.

"Curly.." I whisper on his ears. He didn't budge. I trailed a finger on his arms, upto his neck. "Wake up Curly.."

Harry stirred. He drew a deep breath as he open his eyes slowly, showing his green orbs. And I was mesmerized. His eyes were gorgeous and kind. Sure, I knew he was no saint and his thoughts were not pure. Actually, right now, his hands were slowly making its way inside my boxers but still, for me, he was kind and it was reflected in his eyes.

"So what's our plan for today Haz?" Louis asked. He walks into the living room and sits beside Liam. Harry's hand stop moving and he frowned. Maybe he's wondering why his friends are here. I sat up, running a hand to my messy morning hair. Harry sat up and let out a loud yawn before he streched his arms upward. I almost drooled on how his muscles flexed. That's one hot body!

"I don't know yet. What do you want to do for today babe?" Harry asked with a hopeful look. I had to stop myself from blushing when he call me babe. It's girly and corny but I had to admit, it's sweet.

"I-I dunno. We had a deal that I would stay here during night so it means, in the morning, I can go back to the hotel, right?"

The smile on Harry's face vanished. He also looked disappointed, but he still tried to be cheerful. "Of course. You could just come back here later.." he stood up and went to the kitchen. I picked up the comforter and brought it back to his room. When I'm done, I headed to the kitchen and I saw Harry making two mugs of coffee. He glanced at my direction but didn't say anything. Niall and Josh were sitting on the stools, both holding mugs. Niall smiled at me which I gladly returned.

"What do you want for breakfast? I'll make you one.." Harry asked, still not looking at me. He just kept stirring and stirring the coffee. He seems to be in a deep thought.

"It's okay. I'm not hungry."

"Hey Haz, what about me?" a voice outside the kitchen was heard. If I'm not mistaken, it's Louis.

"Make your own. You're not Zayn. I don't love you!" Harry yelled back and he winked at me. I felt my ego balloon. He's very open to his feelings for me and he seems proud of it. I was thinking, maybe, after all, I still deserved to be love. I didn't know Harry's love is a good medicine for my low self esteem. I stood beside him and he handed me the mug of coffee.

"Thanks. So what's the plan for today?"

Harry shook his head, "I don't know." he turned to Niall and Josh. "Have something in mind?"

"Let's go surfing.." our head whipped to Louis when he walks in, followed by Liam behind him.

"Good idea.." Josh nodded.

Harry nudged my side playfully. "Wanna come?" his thumb brush lightly on my cheeks. There's still hope in his eyes.

Maybe Dana needs more time to be alone. And the truth is, I really want to spend more time with Curly. "Sure. Count me in."

Harry's face lit up. He smile, showing his cute dimples. His eyes were now sparkling and for some reason, I felt like crying. Maybe it's the fact that I made someone happy with a simple yes. I didn't know it was easy to make someone, rather, the man who loves me, happy.

"Let's prepare our things boys!" Liam chirped enthusiastically. He run outside the kitchen, followed by the three other boys. Leaving me and Harry alone.

"What if Dana saw us---"

"I don't care.."

Harry's eyes widen and I mirrored his actions. I was amazed by how fast I made a decision and just say "I don't care". The truth is, I really don't care about what she would think about me anymore.

Am I falling for this idiot? I suddenly remember, Harry was the first man to tell me that I'm perfect and deserve to be loved. Maybe, just maybe, I fell inlove with him after he said so honestly that I'm perfect. Or maybe that time when he asked for a glass of water with a cheeky smile? No, maybe it was when he tried to give me a rose, that idiot. Or maybe when he's stalking me before? Or maybe when he smiled at me and asked for my name the first time we met.

I don't know. Maybe I'm really falling for him or maybe I love him already.


I'll be busy tomorrow so I updated :')

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