Sick, Jonah Marais

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It had been only three months since I started dating Jonah. Today was my first time joining him and his band in an interview. Only of course, I wasn't allowed to participate; instead, I had to sit near them, behind the camera, and watch. I was excited to go, even if I knew I wasn't going to take part in it, I always loved listening to the boys talk about what they loved the most.

It was a bright morning when I felt an arm slightly shaking me around to wake me up. As I opened my eyes, I saw Jonah with a smile on his face, whispering softly, "Good morning, love." His smile was contagious and I couldn't help but smile back. I stirred and moved tiredly, stretching my body and sighing before finally opening my eyes completely. The room was filled with sunshine, which instantly put me in a good -or better- mood. Jonah kept looking at me in silence, like he was thinking about something. I didn't question it though, he'd gotten addicted to watching without speaking. I was about to sit up straight when I noticed my head was aching. It was like somebody was hitting me from the inside of my skull with the biggest hammer they could find. Unconsciously, my hand found its way to my forehead. Jonah, who detected the pain in my face almost immediately, placed his arm around my shoulders and got closer to me. "What's wrong?" he asked.

Don't tell him your head hurts, the interview is today.

"Nothing," I smiled and removed my hand from my head. I took the covers off of me and sat at the end of the bed, looking at the ground.

I can't be sick. I'm not sick. Nothing's wrong with me. I'm fine.

I slowly stood up and felt like my legs were suddenly made out of noodles. I played it cool and walked into the bathroom, looked in the mirror and started panicking. I didn't know if I was able to make it to the interview.

I'll have to get through the whole ride there and then sit at the studio for at least 2 hours until they're done and then the boys will want to go out to eat, I don't think I can-

"Baby? Are you okay?" Jonah put his head against the bathroom door, which was closed, and knocked softly. After he received no response, he tried again.

"Please open the door, I need to know you're alright."

I wasn't crying, but I still didn't feel good. My eyes were droopy, my arms felt numb and I had never felt such a sharp pain in my head. I finally gained the courage to walk up to the bathroom door and open it up. My eyes met with a sad-looking Jonah, who stared down at me. He wrapped his arms around me and walked me back to bed. He sat down and put me on his lap while I leaned my head against his shoulder.

"I don't feel good," I finally said.

"I know, baby," he replied. I looked up at him surprised, I knew I hadn't done a very good job at hiding it but I didn't expect him to figure it out that fast. Well, apparently I'm not as much of a good liar as I thought I was.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked sweetly. He's always cared for me; it's what I love most about him.

I started to think about things I liked, to cheer me up. It's the small things that make me the happiest.

"Breakfast?" I answered. He smiled, which made me smile. He picked me up and walked us both down the stairs carefully. As soon as his right foot stepped on the wooden floor, I heard a bunch of greetings.

"Good morning"



"Hey there"

I don't live in the Why Don't We house, I just spend most nights here because I spend most days with Jonah. A couple of months ago, when Jonah and I first started dating, I didn't know he lived with his bandmates. I hadn't even met them. After a while, we realized that as we spent all day together, we might as well started having "sleepovers" instead of wasting the hours in between. Even if it wasn't a lot of time lost, it still mattered.

"Hi," I said to the four anxious-looking boys, with a small, forced smile in my face.

Jonah sat me down gently on the counter, took off his hoodie and put it on me. He kissed me on the cheek and proceeded to make breakfast.

The boys stopped what they were doing and shared a confused look.

"Is something wrong?" Daniel asked.

"She's just not feeling great," answered Jonah.

While the other boys nodded their heads, Corbyn instantly got up without saying a word and got lost in the big house. Soon, he came back with a thermometer in his hand and approached me. He took my temperature and his head shot up with worried eyes. He walked up to Jonah, who was making coffee, and showed him the little device.

"102º..." whispered Jonah. "Babe, I think you should probably stay at home today," he said as he placed an elaborated breakfast before me.

"No, but I'm fine, I promise! I'm just feeling a little bit down but I'm sure it'll pass soon, don't worry," I insisted. I didn't want to ruin the whole interview. I knew that when Jonah said "stay at home" he didn't mean just me; he would be staying too, to take care of me. And of course, if one of the 5 boys was missing, they couldn't do the show.

The tall boy looked at me sympathetically, shooting Corbyn a questioning glance. Corbyn shook his head with his eyes closed as in disapproval. They were communicating silently and I felt like I was missing out. Besides, the headache still wasn't leaving which only left me more confused.

"What?" I asked them.

"You're staying home, baby. I'll call our manager to cancel the interview and I'll take care of you, alright?"

"But I want you guys to go! You've been waiting a long time to be on the show and I don't want to take that away from you. Go! I'll be fine," I pleaded. I really didn't want to carry the blame and be the reason they didn't go.

Jonah looked like he was having a hard time internally debating wether or not to go. I did my very best to convince him by looking at him intently. We waited a couple of minutes in silence while he was figuring stuff out in his head. He knew I wasn't feeling good so he had an urge to look after me but he also knew I would feel guilty if I was the only thing stopping all five of them from attending the show. He didn't care about the interview; he just wanted me to be happy. After a while that seemed like forever, Jonah finally walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me and hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"Fine, you can stay here," he trailed off with hesitation. I cut him off by celebrating in place. I was very happy with his decision and I was smiling uncontrollably. Even though it wasn't a big deal, I was excited for them.

"Thank you, baby," I kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah, but I'll call my mom to come over and take care of you. And you have to promise me you'll call me if anything bad happens, okay?" He said, as he pulled away from the hug, grabbed my shoulders dramatically and looked deep into my eyes with concern. He was being very serious about it, too.

"Yes, I promise, Jonah," I said.

We hugged one more time and the boys cheered. Then, they went to get ready as I finished the last bits of my breakfast.

"Bye honey, I love you," Jonah gave me a kiss and stroke my hair one last time before leaving the house.

I stared at the wall, thinking to myself and smiling.

I don't think there's anybody else in the world I can love the way I love him.


AN: Hello readers! This is my first post, I promise I'll get better at writing as time goes by. My DMs are always open for requests! Thanks for reading xx

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