I can't wait, Daniel Seavey

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In the early hours of Christmas Day, your heart started racing as you were laying in your shared bed with your boyfriend, Daniel, sleeping next to you. You felt sick to your stomach nervous as you looked over to the drawer in your bedside table. After you had sat up and swung your legs over the edge of your bed, you winced as you slid the draw open as slowly as possible since you didn't want Daniel to wake up and figure out what was inside: a small present you were trying to keep a secret from him, the only one you hadn't placed beneath your Christmas tree. As you held the present tightly in your hand, you tiptoed out of your bedroom, looking over your shoulder a few times to make sure that Daniel's body wasn't stirring. Moments later, you thought that everything had gone perfectly once you had placed this small present on the top of his pile, but you realized that wasn't the case. As you began to make your way upstairs, you tripped up the first step since you didn't want to risk putting any lights on and a thud sounded through your living room.

"Y/N? What was that?" Daniel mumbled sleepily with confusion, emerging onto the landing at the top of the stairs as he flicked on the light, causing you to squint your eyes together. "What are you doing out of bed? What was that noise?"

you took a deep breath as you hesitated for a moment, internally scrambling to think of a believable excuse.

"I, erm, I heard a strange noise down here and I, uh, wanted to see what it was?" You responded unconvincingly, the tone of your voice unintentionally sounding more as if you were asking a question.

Daniel may have felt suspicious, but because of how protective he always was over you, he decided to come downstairs just to make sure there was nothing that could put you in any danger.

"You know you don't need to keep anything from me, babe. Now that I've had a look and I'm extra sure there's nothing down here that could harm-" Daniel began comfortingly, taking both of your hands in his as you stood beside the tree, the new present on the top of his pile then catching his attention for the first time.

"That's really why I came down here. I didn't want you finding out about that present, so I hid it and decided to bring it down now that you were asleep," you shyly admitted. "I know it looks like a small box, the same as some of your other, but I was nervous about you finding  it because it could either make or break your entire Christmas."

"Why would a present ruin my Christmas?" Daniel asked you with confusion as his thumbs began to gently caress over your own. "No matter how small it may be, I'm not going to be disappointed and it's not the presents that matter, being able to spend Christmas with you is what matters."

A broad smile then spread across Daniel's lips, but due to your increasingly quickening heart rate, you were finding it impossible to return, especially as Daniel reached out and picked up the box.

"By what I just said, I didn't mean it was something cheap you wouldn't like, but you'll just have to wait-" you began with panic, but you found yourself speechless with fear as Daniel began to tare the wrapping paper away from the small box.

"It's always been our Christmas Even tradition to open one present each a day early, but we completely forgot yesterday, so I'm going to open this now," replied Daniel cheerfully, finishing unwrapping the box and taking the lid off whilst he was speaking.

Seconds later, the lid crashed down onto the floor, Daniel clapped his free hand tightly over his mouth as he looked down into the box to see that he was looking at a positive pregnancy test.

"Dani, I'm so sorry. Part of me knew I shouldn't have waited until Christmas to tell you the news. I knew I should have gotten it over and done with when I took the test a few days ago," you began quickly, filling with dread because you had no idea whether his shock was out of dread or excitement.

However, you were beaming at him seconds later, letting out an enormous sigh of relief as he removed his hand away from his mouth to reveal the widest smile you had ever seen, joyful tears welling up in his eyes.

"This is the best Christmas present I've ever received in my entire life!" Daniel exclaimed with elation as he flung his arms tightly around you. "I can't wait for us to tell the whole world about our pregnancy!"

Even though he knew your baby would be far too small for it to be able to feel anything, Daniel still couldn't resist his urge to rest a hand on your still flat stomach, your heart melting as he got down onto his knees and pressed a light kiss to it.

You may have planned on being back to sleep after putting the now opened pregnancy test under the tree, but yourself and Daniel were way too excitable, already beginning to discuss things such as possible names and what your life was going to be like with your baby in it. As for telling the world, you were aware that so many people would be unable to have a joyful Christmas, therefore you thought that rubbing their noses in your news would be insensitive, especially because there were already so many people who would always point out how privileged you were on social media. It was because of this that you waited a few more days to release the news. Both of you enjoyed only your families and close friends knowing for a while, but bursting with excitement as you posted about your pregnancy on your socials, doing so with a photo of you and Daniel holding up the test.

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