Insecurity, Jack Avery

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Due to your normal upbringing, there were many things which took a lot of getting used to for you when you became the girlfriend of Why Don't We band member, Jack Avery. So many new aspects of your life felt surreal to you and an example of this was how you had acquired some fame of your own within the WDW community. You had never been a vain, self-centered person, but you couldn't help feel excitement starting to build inside of you that morning as you had the sudden realization of how photos of you and articles about you would come if you searched your name on the Internet, but since you and Jack had only been together for a few months, you thought you would be more likely to see results if you searched 'Jack Avery girlfriend'. A wide smile may have spread across your lips as you clicked the enter button of the on-screen keyboard on your phone, but seconds later, your heart sank as you filled with dread. You started to feel sick to your stomach as the first thing you saw was images of Jack with his arm around the waists of other women. You recognized them to be recent celebrity guests for the band's events who Jack had been spending a lot of time with during the PR meetings and other guest parties which they had attended. Your nerves continued to build as you scrolled down to see that the top articles which came up were ones talking about how Jack was rumored to be in a relationship with these women, speculating which one of them was his girlfriend.

Under normal circumstances, you would always try to deal with situations as calmly as possible, but due to your heightened emotions and your rising insecurity, you rushed down your stairwell, grabbed your coat off the coatrack along the way and rushed to Jack's, which was just a few minute walk away from your department in LA. You were tempted to breakout into a run, but continuing your brisk walk in tower to attract the least amount of attention possible. Minutes later, Jack raised his eyebrows in surprise from inside his home, letting out a small sigh of annoyance as he got up from his sofa to answer the door, dreading who it could be because of the pounding knocking, but the second he noticed it was you, he smiled broadly at you, attempting to wrap his arms around you only to be surprised once again as you wriggled away, taking a few steps backwards.

"What's wrong, babe? What have I done?" Jack asked with shock, his eyes filling with sadness as he noticed how your expression was hard and your jaw was clenched with fury.

"You tell me," you replied as you crossed your arms, letting out the tiniest sarcastic chuckle due to how you found it unbelievable that Jack had no idea of what was bothering you after you had waited a few seconds to realize he wasn't going to respond. "Do you really have no clue? Do you have any idea how much it hurt when I searched Jack Avery girlfriend and the names of other women came up, women who you are rumored to be with?"

Once you had finished speaking, you tried to think as optimistically as possible as you took a shaky deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. You thought about how photos may have been taken in the past of you and Jack together, but how this speculation would continue about who he was with, given that you hadn't made an official announcement that you were together. However, these thoughts were responded to by negative ones, which made you wonder why if Jack really liked you as much as he said he did, the announcement still hadn't been made. Why was he allowing this speculation to continue?

"How about you come inside before we talk about this?" Jack asked you hesitantly as he took a few steps back to allow you to come in. "We don't want this conversation to be public and for the neighbors to hear about our private business."

You followed Jack into his living room with your hands clasped tightly together. You rubbed your fingers together with frustration as you sat down beside him due to your eagerness for answers. You sat as closely to your respective arm of the sofa as you were able.

"I'm really sorry about this, I know it looks bad, but-" Jack began apologetically once he had searched the same thing on his own phone to be able to see the things which had been worrying you for himself.

"But nothing!" You snapped, interrupting him as you slapped your arms against your sides with frustration. "I know what your excuse is going to be, that we haven't made an official announcement to say that we're together, but why hadn't that happened? Are you still holding onto hope that you can be with one of these girls? They're all things like rich models and influencers so what are you still doing here with me? Of course you'd rather be with one of them!"

Jack may have paused for a moment as he kept his hands to himself, worried that you wouldn't want him to touch you, but he eventually made the decision to shuffle closer to you, turning his body to face your own as he took both of your hands in his.

"If I wanted to be with one of them, then I would be putting my time and effort into one of them rather than into you," Jack replied reassuringly, his calming tone causing you to fill with guilt about the way in which you had spoken to him. "I know the results that came up were hard for you to see, but none of those other girls matter to me. Yes, I have spent time with them when they were the band's guests, but I was only doing what management told me to. I would much rather have been spending my time with you, the girl who I can see myself falling in love with and being with for the rest of my life."

You let out a sigh of relief at the sound of this final few words as you flung your arms around him. You beamed broadly up at him a few moments later as the two of you held each other at arms length.

"I think it's about time that we make an official announcement too," Jack added warmly as your smile narrowed.

"I'm really sorry about how I spoke to you and how I flew off the handle. I shouldn't have reacted like that, but the thought of you being interested in other women scared me," you replied apologetically as you lowered your head with shame.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for. I can imagine that I would have ben mad too if it was the other way around. And you've got nothing to worry about in therms of me being interested in other girls. As long a we're together, I will always be faithful to you. You're the only one for me," said Jack sweetly, causing your heart to skip a beat. Your smile somehow became even more enormous because he had never said anything like that to you before.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2023 ⏰

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